Then a NY cop walks by, gives the boy some money and the homeless man asks for some change as he has not eaten for a while. The cop goes crazy on him telling him he should get a job. She ends up assaulting the homeless guy.
At this point I was disgusted at how he had treated a homeless man - and you would expect better from the police.
Then a guy walks by eating a burger and chips. The boy asks him if he can spare some change, the guy then gives the boy some change and walks on by.
However, when the homeless man asks for some change because he hasn't eaten for some days now, the man becomes aggressive and tells him he should stop sitting on his butt all day and get himself a job, how he has to work to be able to eat and as a grown man he should know better, then throws his food at the homeless man and walks right off.
If I was disgusted before I was absolutely appalled by what this guy had done - there was just no need for it.
Then what happened next was unbelievable. The homeless man walked across to the young boy and asked the boy to look after his stuff for a minute. 5 minutes later he came back with a slice of pizza and gave it to the boy saying he needs to eat.
I am not one usually given to emotion but, oh boy, when I saw that my heart went out to him, and my eyes filled up with tears (and they are now as I write this). Someone who had so little was willing to give all he had to allow what he though was a homeless boy to have something to eat.
Then the boy's brothers come out and spoke to the homeless guy - incredulous that the homeless guy, who had nothing and had not eaten for days, would give what he had to make sure the boy was OK - even though that same boy was getting all the money people were handing out.
The two brothers told the homeless guy that they had been filming him for a while and that the homeless boy was in fact their brother, dressed to appear homeless to see if people would change their opinion of homeless if it was a child
They then told the homeless man that all the money the boy collected was for him. You would think they had just given the guy a winning lottery ticket - all he wanted to do after that was give them all a hug.
If you have anything of a heart I will bet you won't be able to watch that video without welling up inside. It touched me and I am sure it will touch you too.
You can see the video here
By Vince Barnes
Article Source: How an Act of Kindness Changed the Life of a Homeless Man