God's Plan in Action

During the 1980's I was given many visions about the last days and the sights shown to me were so appalling that I begged not to be shown any more. In one such vision there were people crawling in their own excreta and vomit with the dead and dying around them. It was not something that was seen by me before but in the last few days and in previous times it was.

The worst form of death was showered down on the people of Syria in the form of a deadly gas. They gasped for breath like fish pulled from the ocean gasp for oxygen and they died in a horrible fashion.

Other visions showed me the earth on fire and people burning alive and this is what the bombs do that fall and burst into flames. They also highlighted super floods, super fires, earthquakes, and all the horrors imaginable and the earth is now suffering them.

For anyone who does not believe there is a God or who thinks that the Great Creator is all gentle and kindness need to think again. The Spirit of the Universe is the super intelligence that controls all things and it is bringing the earth as we know it to an end. It took Donald Trump less than 3 months to engage in warfare and now the end is closer than ever.

Following my reincarnation and with a strong link to the Spirit many things were made known to me. Following the commissions to tear down the wall of churches and to take God off the cross the big picture came into focus.

The Spirit's people are not those of religious beliefs because that thinking is wrong and it hides the truth. There is no heaven or hell and, likewise, no devil, angels, or saints. These are the window dressing and false premises to get people into the congregations and to keep them there.

While the Spirit is now pouring over millions around the world it is doing so in an effort to make them see the reality of the system that was put in place by the 2 beasts of Revelation. The New Testament is part of the deception and it was compiled by Jerome at the end of the 4th Century after Constantine established the Catholic Church, the start of Christianity.

The wall of churches is the huge blind position by these 2 beasts. It is impenetrable and insurmountable and no one can see through it except with the wisdom that comes from the Spirit. Everyone who has lived is back in their bodies for this time. Those who are suffering are the ones who dealt out pain and suffering to others in former lives. This is God's judgment.

Those who shake themselves loose from religion and laws both hear and feel the Spirit and they know who they are. It is for their sake that the rest are now to be killed off. This is what I saw and know.

Norma Holt was commissioned by God to tear down the wall of churches and bring in the harvest. With memory of her reincarnation she knows that reincarnation is fact and that everyone who has lived is back. They are turning to the Mountain of God which is the Internet for answers.

 By Norma Holt

Article Source: God's Plan in Action

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