Being Cool Is Being Yourself

To be cool, don't just think about it - do it. It's scary but so invigorating. Remember people are not needy or desperate. Instead, try to solve problems yourself whenever you can. This quality attracts people.

Getting some alone time is great, too. If someone hasn't called you back, lay off. There's no need to followup with annoying text messages. Give people their space and they'll respect you a lot more. Be yourself. It will be something that other people will look up to. You are unique, and you don't need to join a clique. Make your own friendships.

Live life for who you are. Don't lose sight of yourself or your morals. Own your personality. Remember we are all humans and we try to accept each other despite all the flaws and qualities we have, why not accept yourself as you are the most important person to you in the world.

What essentially makes you cool is your identity. Try to find your talent - sports, music, art, whatever. People will notice your passion and respect you for it. Practice self-disclosure. The more you disclose yourself the better you understand yourself. Self-disclosure happens slowly.

Be friendly, but not excessively eager. Many people find someone who is overeager to be annoying. Try not to force yourself on people. Be a good conversationalist. Don't dominate the conversation. You don't need to share a similar story at every setting. Just listen and comment briefly on the other person's story.

Be a good listener. False enthusiasm will just appear cruel. If you're stuck, remember the golden rule. Most people want to talk about themselves. Wait for the right moment to make a comment.

Be playful! Joke around with other people. Refrain from using too many colloquialisms. This may make you appear as "fake" or unable to grasp your respected language. Speak normally, clearly and confidently. Use humor. Cool people know how to use humor to ease any situation.

Learn how to laugh at yourself. You can be cool and you can be too cool. Don't be that person. Speak up. Observe people who are "cool"; they usually speak confidently and clearly, at a good pace. They don't chatter rapidly. They say what they mean, and mean what they say. If you state your opinion and people disagree, don't worry. However, make it count. Don't shout out your opinion just to be heard.

Keep your "cool". Learn how to deal with people. Don't get angry or frustrated. Being cool is natural. It's easy to do. Be confident. People like people who don't try, but are still successful. How does that work? Take a deep breath. Don't lose your cool. Stay calm. Don't use bad behavior to get attention. You should never substitute negative attention for really being cool.

Avoid arguing. When you're cool, you realize winning an argument is pointless. When you know you're right you just know it. Remember that people are your equals. Even a group of people is equal to you. Remember that people are your equals. Even a group of people is equal to you. They should be treated as you should be treated. But always know it is for a reason, be willing to find out what the reason is as long as you want them to respect you. Understand that some people won't get it.

Have faith in your friends. There's a reason they hang around you. Life doesn't work that way. Don't be afraid to be different. Insecure people will, at times, become jealous of you. Be self-aware. In terms of composure; be smiley, stand/sit up straight (it makes you look and feel more confident), smile generously, be polite and considerate, etc.

Present yourself in a positive way. Walk with good posture and look people in the eye. Smile. Be fit! Eat healthy too. You will see results if you work hard. Know that you will never be able to please everyone. People have millions of ways to get under your skin. Learn to spot them and become immune. Be happy with yourself and do what you enjoy.

Project confident body language. Find your own style. You don't have to follow trends to be cool; you just have to be able to look comfortable and happy in whatever you are wearing.

Confidence is extremely important if you want to be cool. Being confident give you wonders and being a good conversationalist is another. So, why don't you try being what you want to be to make you cool?

 By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales

Article Source: Being Cool Is Being Yourself

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