You're Not A Real Leader If You Don't FINISH Your Action Plan

You have probably read countless articles, and/ or participated in numerous discussions, about how important, a quality action plan is, if you want to be a real leader. However, it is never enough to merely contemplate, consider, create, or, even, implement one's action plan! The procedure is little more than a mere exercise, until/ unless, you decide, you will take the idea forward, and bring it to fruition! Of course, nothing can happen, unless you begin! However, just as it is never enough for a base runner to merely take a good - sized lead, if he never attempts to steal, it is meaningless to spend all the time, resources, energies, etc, if you won't commit to FINISH your plan, in a satisfactory, meaningful manner!

1. Fact; find; fix; follow - up: One must begin, by differentiating actual fact, from mere conjecture, or opinion! How can you possibly adequately plan, until/ unless, you base your approach on facts? Find what is needed, and discover the options, and alternatives. Don't throw the baby out, with the bath water, but rather, fully analyze, both. what is, and what should and could be, and change what needs changing, rather than merely making changes for change - sake! Your plan should be based on trying to fix what is wrong, while maintaining what's right! However, in order for your efforts to be meaningful, you must consistently and persistently, follow - up!

2. Initiate; instill; install: A true lead must be someone who steps forward, and initiates changes! He must motivate others, articulate his message clearly, and instill a sense of pride and wanting to belong, in his constituents. This must be combined with a proactive ability, to install the basis for meaningful, relevant, necessary changes!

3. Needs - oriented; necessities: Tweak your plan, so you are certain it is needs - oriented, and what is needed, by the group, at this point in time! Differentiate between the needs, necessities, and would - be - nice!

4. Improve: Leaders must constantly ask themselves, what is needed, to improve and enhance their organization! Rhetoric and empty promises do not create improvement! Only thoroughly planned action, persistence and perseverance, does!

5. Stronger; sustainable system: The objective of one's action plan, must be to make the group stronger, and more relevant! This is only possible to achieve, when one completes all aspects of his plan, implements it successfully, follows it up, and makes necessary tweaks! Isn't the goal of a real leader, to perceive of, create, develop and implement, a sustainable system?

6. Head; heart; heal; healthier: One must balance his emotional and logical components, via a head/ heart balance! The goal of a plan must be to heal wounds and unite, creating a more effective, healthier organization!

It's not enough to merely have good intentions, or to start! A real leader must FINISH his action plan!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant. professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: You're Not A Real Leader If You Don't FINISH Your Action Plan

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