You Can Have A New Beginning Every Day

Good Morning World. I am awake. I can see, feel, hear, taste, smell, and write; I am alive! I am so grateful for this delightful gift--today. Sometimes it comes with an abundance of sunshine--sometimes it comes drenched with the rain or covered with snow and it's cold. But, every day is a gift from God. What we do with it is up to us. We can choose to waste it or make the best of all 24 hours. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not promised. All we will ever have is--today.

So dear Lord, help me to appreciate all that you have done, in that you woke me up this morning. I slept well. Thank you, I am extremely grateful. You didn't have to do this, undeserving as I am, yet you prompted my body to awake out of sleep, and you caused my eyes to see another day. Lord helps me to express gratitude by saying "Thank you." It's the least that I can do. Amen

Yesterday is gone. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. No one in the history of the world has ever been able to re-wind a yesterday. Once it's gone, to the last-minute before midnight, it becomes history.

The best we can do about our history is to learn from the experiences--whatever they were; good, bad or indifferent. Sadly, as Fredrich Hagel Said, "The only thing we learn from our history, is that we learn nothing from our history." Yet, there are so many lessons we can learn.

Most of our knowledge begins with listening--paying close attention to instructions as they are given. Instructions, guidance, directions all come to us in so many different ways, but, how often we are so distracted; we miss out on pertinent information. It's as if we are in a daze, daydreaming and detached from the realities around us. The questions we've been asking-- the answer is always "right under our nose." That thing we've been searching for is closer than we realize, and the door that seems to be blocked--right next door, are possibilities waiting to be discovered.

Teaching is, communicating past experiences--sometimes requiring graphic details, suitable for mature audiences only. Moreover, our experiences are always the best teacher. To have had an encounter, an exercise, an event, an episode, a situation, so powerful in its execution that it has left such an indelible impression--one that must be shared; over and over again. It was Confucius who said, "The best thing in life is to pass on to others what one has learned for oneself."

Knowledge is therefore disbursed by way of experiences, in the lives of men and women who are not afraid to face their circumstances against whatever the odds--and win or lose, favorable or indifferent, they are willing to become tomorrow's leaders today.

Whoever said "Tomorrow never comes," didn't tell the truth. There is always a tomorrow. It's not promised to anyone, but somehow God favors us with new beginnings. As the world turns, midnight will turn to daylight, and the days will turn again to nights. It's what life is made of--nights and days. The Bible says in Genesis 1:5 "And the evening and the morning were the first day."

Why should anyone live their life in memory of the past, when there's an exciting opportunity for a history-making tomorrow. Put the past behind you. Whatever happened, get over it and move on--you will be a surprise to know how much more could have happened and you are not the only one with this experience. Know therefore, that whatever you are dealing with, as difficult as it may be--someone else is going through something far worse.

Never let your past experiences or present circumstances dictate your future. Whatever happened yesterday may have repercussions today but despite the echo of yesterday's sounds--you must play on. Sing a new song and the symphony of today's melody will be echoed tomorrow. You may have to increase the volume, change the lyrics or modify the beat, but don't stop the music. Sing even though no one is listening--for if you sing long enough, and loud enough someone will hear, and you just may win a Grammy.

A new beginning is available every morning. "Take those broken wings and learn to fly again." Jesus said, "Forgive and you will be forgiven." For if you do not forgive neither will your heavenly father forgive you." (Matthew 6:15.) It's not over until God turns off the lights. So you better get up, wash up, dress up, stand up, put a smile on your face and walk out that door. Whether it's raining, snowing, or the sun is shining keep on walking one step at a time. By faith--"The best is yet to come."

From my heart to you. Maurice Armstrong Pastor/Teacher/Writer.

 By Maurice W Armstrong

Article Source: You Can Have A New Beginning Every Day
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