Why Leaders Need GUSTO

One of the reasons, it is so challenging to discover effective, quality, meaningful leaders, is there are so many necessities, and variables involved! Attitude alone is not enough, nor is it sufficient to merely possess the skills, aptitude, judgment, etc, that are such important, essential characteristics and ingredients! We often overlook some of the personal characteristics and/ or assets, which a true leader needs, to be able to make a real difference! Why would anyone listen, to what a boring, non - motivating individual, had to say, even if it was the precisely correct course of action? While there were probably many lessons, we should have learned from the political elections of 2016, one of the most important is, many people are far more influenced by how something is said, or appeals to them, than by the quality of the content! Therefore, the best leaders must, not only pursue doing the right things, and taking the meaningful course of actions, but, must do so, with, the right amount of GUSTO!

1. Generate goodwill; get through; greatness: How can anyone achieve his lofty ambitions, ideals, goals, etc, and pursue overcoming challenges, and prioritizing the best solutions, until he, first, is capable and willing, to take the time, and focus, on getting through, to those he serves? Quality leaders must generate goodwill, not merely by their rhetoric and actions, but also by how well they communicate and motivate! Remember, it must be the ultimate goal of a meaningful leader, to pursue greatness, rather than merely the status quo!

2. Useful; usable; unique: What unique characteristics and/ or abilities, might make others, more enthusiastic, and thus, more willing, to follow a particular leader, and pay significantly greater attention? Merely providing useful leadership is not sufficient, even though, quite necessary and needed! Making one's plans and ideas, usable and relevant, and getting others to buy into the vibrant, vital vision, is often what differentiates the greatest leaders, from the rest of the pack!

3. Stronger; sustainable system; self - confidence: Constituents often look to whether a leader takes actions, and has a quality strategy, which makes the group stronger! This requires someone to possess the right degree of self - confidence, to be comfortable, leading, when others fear rocking the boat! Measure true leadership, by whether someone considers carefully, creates, develops and implements, a quality, sustainable system!

4. Traction; timely; trustworthy: How can anyone get others to listen and follow, if he doesn't do all he possible can, to assure, his strategies gain traction? This means transforming a fine strategy, to well - considered timely action. If your constituents do not feel you are absolutely trustworthy, you will never gain that traction!

5. Options; opportunities; opinions: Differentiating unsupported, unsubstantiated, opinions, from real facts, is essential to leading with GUSTO! Be prepared for opportunities, and willing to review, consider and take the best options available!

If you wish to differentiate yourself from the pack, and become the rare leader, who achieves beyond his rhetoric and promises, you must be ready, willing and able, of leading with GUSTO! Are you ready?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Why Leaders Need GUSTO
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