Why Is That Lethal Time Bandit, Procrastination, So Seductive?

How Real Estate Professionals Can Banish Procrastination Once and for All

Look over there! Something shiny!

Oh good, another distraction to delay you from finishing that pressing task.

But, why do we let ourselves be so easily seduced by distraction and delay, instead of getting what needs to be done, done?

Some say it's laziness, but that's only part of it. Otherwise, why would it be that very industrious people still fall prey to procrastination?

Until you identify the root causes (and solutions) to this drain on productivity, unfortunately, you're doomed to being stuck in this trap until it's too late and the deadline's missed, the deal dissolves or the prospect disappears.

So, here's a humane and practical approach to recognizing what's holding you back and how to overcome it:

Stop Beating Yourself Up! This simply makes the situation worse and the task becomes even more unattractive. With all those negative emotions swirling around it, it's no wonder you don't get it done. Instead, read on and find hope.

You're Not Lazy! There are multiple reasons why we put off particular projects and laziness is seldom the only cause. And, deep down, you know that to be true. The real estate sector is no place for the lazy and, if you've been in this business longer than a few months, then you are already productive, just not as efficient as you'd like to be.

Don't Set Yourself Up to Fail! Often, we defer doing something because we already believe that we won't achieve what we want to. It's the fear of failure that holds us back and that fear is as irrational as being scared of flying - because there's no way those heavy planes can take off, is there?

Instead, be open to mistakes - you are going to make them - that's when we learn the most and some of the most creative and adaptive thinking takes place. So, change your attitude to messing up and confront the task one step at a time.

Focus on Each Stage as a Separate Goal. It's easy to get overwhelmed when faced with a large or complex job. Before you do anything, you need a sensible and humane plan in place that breaks the project into rational, achievable phases. Completing each one will provide a sense of accomplishment that fuels your motivation for what's to come and eventual success.

Consider each phase as a sub-objective of the main goal and break it down into meaningful To-Dos. After completing each stage, you will experience satisfaction and relief from guilt, but to get the most out of each small win, reward yourself with a little prize, some kind of treat that you often deny yourself. This will boost your ongoing motivation and desire to accomplish more.

Perfection is Impossible. You'll never be in exactly the right state of mind or execute each detail perfectly, so stop obsessing about it. If you are a perfectionist, it's time to wean yourself away from it. It not only wastes a great deal of time, it also causes unnecessary stress to yourself and those around you. Be brave and perform to your best, anything more will be a happy accident.

Silence Those Internal Critics. Even if you don't strive for perfection, there's likely a panel of judges whispering undeserved criticisms into your ear. Often, these voices are echoes from the past, people who you've respected, but maybe they didn't fully appreciate you and your talents. Let their words fade into the background. What they said then was probably unfair and doesn't reflect who you are now. You are the smartest, wisest and most productive you've ever been at this point in your life. Shut them up and get on with it!

Put Your Blinders On! Don't fool yourself that distractions are 'welcome interruptions,' they're not. Once you've finally decided to act, don't let anything - except a real crisis - disturb you. Distractions are the shiny things procrastination dangles before you as 'reasons' to stop; don't give it that power.

Envision completing the job in front of you and nothing else. It's like shoveling snow to make a path to your destination, keep your head down and focus on each step until you see progress. Let those around you know that you're serious about your success and politely ask them to respect your time and work space.

Create an Environment that Makes it Easy to Work. When you step into that space convince yourself that you're there for one reason alone - to finish the job to the best of your ability. Clear away anything that will sidetrack your efforts: reminders of other jobs, visuals of dream goals or even vacations, you might want to remove the family pictures as well.

If this sounds drastic, remind yourself of how long it's taken you to get around to this task and stand your ground. You are going to be a better person for it (and easier to live with!) as well as more likely to achieve those dream goals and exotic getaways. But, first you actually have to do something and the time to get it done is now.

Don't Worry About Succeeding! For some of us, success brings its own fears and we procrastinate while worrying about the extra pressures or expectations that follow a win. You don't know what success means until it happens - you can project or imagine, but that lies ahead in the mists of tomorrow.

While all of us want to succeed, many of us don't see ourselves as doing so. That top producer in the office you are attempting to emulate, or that perceived notion that other agents are making money easily and getting ahead. Nothing is as it seems and you are your own empire. You CAN succeed, but you define your measurements of success. Anything can be accomplished if you stop procrastinating. It is one of the top Time Bandits that will threaten your success.

For today, you need to simply focus on removing a huge To-Do from your list. If you do make more money, bring in more business or enlarge your market exposure, they're the kinds of challenges you want to have and not run from.

Finally, get mad at procrastination! It isn't a joke or a 'soft' problem and it takes time and practice to train your subconscious mind to eliminate it. If left unchecked, it not only eats away at your time, it also erodes your self-esteem and confidence until you start doubting yourself in all kinds of areas. Show your teeth and bite the bullet. Don't let any of the procrastination disguises deceive you into inaction; you have everything within you right now to achieve your goal and experience repeat success.

It's true! Real Estate Agents Can get rid of time draining Procrastination with learned skills and behavioral modifications. You CAN do it!

In sales, we tend to be good with customers, but are also distracted by shiny objects that get in our way of getting what we must get done to conquer our goals.

We are easily seduced by distraction and delay, instead of getting what needs to be done every day.

It's not laziness or stupidity, so stop beating yourself up! Most of the skills we need are not taught in our industry, but with a bit of help and patience, you can learn how to master yourself and accomplish what you only dreamed of.

Until you identify the root causes and solutions to this drain on productivity, you're doomed to being stuck missing deadline's, dissolved deals, or disappearing prospects.

Learn the power of procrastination elimination now. You CAN do it!

 By Cindy D Bishop

Article Source: Why Is That Lethal Time Bandit, Procrastination, So Seductive?
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