Why A Leader Should Always REVIEW

It is important for us, to remember, merely because someone has been elected, appointed or ascended, to a position of leadership, does not mean, he is either super - human, flawless, or always correct! True, smart, committed leaders realize, recognize and embrace that fact, and therefore, are committed to examining and re - examining ideas, plans, programs, concepts, etc! What someone does, in order to make certain, he performs, as well as can be, and focuses on doing the right thing, is what often differentiates relevant, reliable leaders, from the rest of the pack! This article will use the mnemonic approach, to consider, why it is so important, for a leader to constantly, and consistently REVIEW.

1. Reasoning; reasons; rationale; relevant; realistic: How often is someone willing to objectively, and introspectively, examine, the components of his reasoning, in order to see if he has considered all relevant information, ideas and concerns? Is the rationale, rational and logical? Are the facts used, to determine one's options and alternatives, realistic, or what has been recently coined, as alternative facts?

2. Emphasis; evaluate; examine: Are you emphasizing the right, most relevant, essential items, ideas and components/ concerns? What metrics, etc, will you use, to evaluate every step of your process, as well as your personal performance? Are you ready, willing and able, to objectively examine, what needs to be reviewed thoroughly?

3. View; vital vision: What motivates someone to commit to the often - tiring, stressful, challenges of effective leadership? What makes your vital vision, vibrant enough, for others to buy into? Is you personal point of view, focused on service, or something less heroic?

4. Investigate; ideas; ideology; intent: How fully will you investigate ideas, opinions (of others), needs, concerns and priorities, to discover what needs to be emphasized and addressed? Is you ideology in sync with your group's heritage and mission? Will you examine each idea's intent, thoroughly, fairly and without prejudgment?

5. Empathy: Understand, being a leader, means representing others, and their needs, concerns, perceptions and priorities! In order to do so, you must, first, be willing to, discover what these are, which means perfecting your listening skills, paying attention, and always proceeding, with empathy!

6. When; what; which; who: Which priorities are the most essential ones, to address first? When will you begin, and how will you utilize your timetable, in order to consider effectiveness and efficiency? Will you personally address a particular issue, or will you effectively delegate responsibility, to the best people available? If you delegate, who will you select, and what makes that person the best individual?

Everything does not always proceed as originally planned, and that is why, great leaders, always develop contingency plans, so they are ready to install Plan B, if necessary! However, to do so, a leader must be prepared, and constantly REVIEW and reconsider, without procrastinating!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Why A Leader Should Always REVIEW
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