What Makes Happiness Knock Into Your Life

It is a legendary question of all times: How can happiness make its way into your life? There are several ways and they are not hard to implement. Read on for highlights.

Here are some tips:

1) Happiness actually arrives when you stop looking for it. Stop thinking about it and go ahead in your life, doing your everyday work and enjoying it. Whatever stands in your way, beat the odds and stand upright on your own two feet. Believe in yourself and in the power of prayers. Happiness is bound to knock into your life.

2) Keep yourself motivated every day. One day's motivation doesn't last - you have to keep doing it on a daily basis. Find something to celebrate or call someone for a fun conversation. Make a list of things that motivate you. Choose one every day and do it. You will be happy.

3) Appreciate what you already have. Don't keep looking outside of yourself. Look within you. What are the blessings that you already have? Can you make a list and stick to your PC's monitor where you can see it every day? Add, delete and edit the list and keep looking at it. Appreciating what you already have makes room for more blessings to enter your life and makes you happier.

4) Happiness is a state of mind. If you are feeling remorse and low in spirits, think of the past happy moments in your life. In this way, make a mind shift. And your spirits will soar and you will be a happy person again.

5) Think of how you can be more of value to your family and nation at large. Try thinking two or three ways and expand the list gradually. You can start small for instance, keeping your room tidy the minute you get up from bed and end up large by being the manager of your company. Yes it's possible - say that to yourself. You will have bigger challenges now - fight your way through them and end up victorious. You will have moments of bliss. Think of more ways to overcome your upcoming challenges. And it becomes a game of life, with you winning over them all the time and be full of smiles.

6) You cannot help others without helping yourself. So help your community, your kids and family, friends and colleagues. When you make others happy, you also catch their vibes and become happy. Laugh and play together during free times. Life on this earth is meant to be happy. So find ways to help others to make them happy while you become happy in the process.

Summing up, those are six ways you can boost your happiness level. Try those which resonate with you. And in no time you will be beaming with lovely smiles, drawing others to you and becoming a happier person in their company.

Rosina S Khan has authored this article, highlighting how you can let happiness enter your life gently and gradually via tiny steps.

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 By Rosina S Khan

Article Source: What Makes Happiness Knock Into Your Life

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