What Is Spirituality and Why Religions War Against It

Following my reincarnation and with a strong link to the Spirit of the Universe (the real God and the intelligence behind all creation) the answer to that question is known to me. Between lives the connection with that entity was extremely strong. The different language I spoke was a puzzle to my parents as too my skills which were otherwise unexplainable.

The memory continued without interruption from my last death. Hovering above the body of a man of around 45 years in the following moments I was in darkness with the Spirit. A vision was given to me of my life ahead. It was as a line stretched out in front along which were dates and times. The age of 45 years stood out.

While my life has followed the ups and downs that the line demonstrated it has also been one of great fulfilling of my purpose. At the age shown the Spirit came on me with strength and commissioned me to "tear down the wall of churches and bring back the young."

That wall has been shown to me many times as a huge barrier that is full of lies, mysteries, false gods, man-made tenets and prayers, and fear. The latter is generated by the myths of heaven and hell. Not only do these places not exist but the threat of them is the propulsion that drives people to connect and follow religious demands.

The strong connection to the Spirit has meant that throughout my life it has shown me what to do and put me in places where certain things were possible. This is not the place to discuss them but by revealing the nature of one's spirituality the wall is tumbling.

Religious leaders, however, have engaged in war against the Spirit. They have banned reincarnation, influenced people into believing in fake gods, and have delivered them a compulsion to say prayers over and over in a repetitious fashion. One such exercise is the rosary of the Catholic Church, which is a repetition of praise to Mary.

Taken back to Babylon as part of my research to enable me to carry out the commission the role of Mary in all religions became known. This is the name of the sun and in that city huge ziggurats were constructed so people could get higher to heaven and the man-made hill became the passage into it.

There men died on crosses to 'marry' Mary. Note that 'marry' is a derivative of 'Mary' and the reason why women are discriminated against. Her religion is Islam and the Catholic Church, established in 325 AD by Constantine, is a continuation of that religion. He built the Vatican and this body, in turn, ordered the Muslim Branch to be formed. The similarities between the two branches is obvious as they have the same foundation.

War with the Spirit is bringing the world to an end and only the spiritual will survive what is coming.

Commissioned by God Norma Holt works to spread the knowledge given to her by the Spirit. It differs to religious teachings because she has memory of reincarnation and knows that heaven and hell are myths. Her experience in the Spirit is here. The evidence given to her to remove the wall of blindness is here. Everything she writes is verifiable in the bible and through research.

 By Norma Holt

Article Source: What Is Spirituality and Why Religions War Against It
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