Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Future

How do you truly want to feel?

Would you like to really enjoy spending time with alone? To be at peace with all the negative inner voices you try and avoid at all cost?

What would it take for you to feel good about Yourself? Your life?

Do you need a bigger house, faster shinier car, children, girlfriend or boyfriend, how much money would be enough? Have you gained these things but still question why you're so unhappy?

Constant pursuit of external happiness can lead us down many roads, some of which may even offer a degree of satisfaction for a short period of time. Drugs, alcohol, food, sex, relationships anything to take us away from how we feel.

Using your thoughts to change your future. But what are we trying to escape from?

An undeniable and annoying truth is that whatever we are trying to run away from will persevere until we deal with it. No amount of bags or cars can give you a true sense of self and worthiness. I know, I have tried! (but I do miss my Louis Vuitton bags)

The very thing that we spend so much time and energy trying to run away from are our own thoughts! Thoughts about our past, worries about the future, things that have or haven't happened to us. The shit we carry around with us every day that does nothing but provide a lead weight, holding us to the bottom of the sea with no chance of coming up for air and seeing all the beauty around us. When we are in this place of torture we are only able to see our immediate situation and not what could be possible. Using your thoughts to change your future is the key!

My dark day

There was a time I remember researching on the internet the best ways to commit suicide. I felt there was literally no other option. I could not see any way out of the pain I was in. My mind was consumed and I was a tortured soul. I will never forget a particular conversation I had where I was asked to just commit to trying for one year and then if I still felt the same and I no longer wanted to be alive I would be supported in my decision.

3 months later I met my now husband! Now if I had taken that step that day and ended my life, I would never have experienced the joy he has bought into my life. I'd never have felt true unconditional love and happiness from him or for myself.

Sometimes it takes a leap of faith. It takes having a little belief that perhaps you could feel different. That your days don't have to be consumed with anxiety, stress, panic attacks, depression. That the reasons why you are suffering in these ways may not be a reality after all. That your thoughts, beliefs and feelings about yourself may be in need of a massive over-haul, but all you need is the support to see that clearly.

Are your thoughts the problem?

Humans apparently have between 50,000 - 70,000 thoughts a day! (something I will be covering in more detail in another blog) Now if you're struggling with anxiety, phobias, self-esteem and confidence issues then I'm taking a guess that a large proportion of those thoughts contain a lot of negatives. These thoughts are there due to our life experiences; the collection of information/memories our subconscious mind has kept throughout our lives so far.

While some of these memories may be fantastic and leave us feeling great, others may not be so positive. They may be the very memories that have contributed to your current struggles. It's these memories that have attached feelings, they then become your beliefs which affect your behaviour.

Changing the associated out of date, shitty thoughts, beliefs and behaviours is where your life will finally become your own. You will regain your own power and realise that if you can change something you never thought possible well what else can you achieve! Now doesn't that feel good?

It only takes one-second to make that decision to deal with your demons so you can finally move on. To make that phone call, ask that person out, say I do, Its' over, approach help to pay those debts, tie up those loose ends, say I love you, book in a therapist. Whatever it is, it takes just one step.

This can be where working with a qualified therapist can deliver an amazing shift. When you begin to see your own potential and add accountability to it you would be amazed at what can happen. It starts with a single decision! Can you afford not to?

When is enough, enough for you?

Contact Becky @ Positive Mind Hypnotherapy

By Becky Goncalves

Article Source: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Future

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