The Times, My Friend, They Are A Changing

How would you feel if I told you that the comfortable job that you are currently in will no longer be around in less than a handful of years? Technological advances will put most of us out of a job in the not too distant future. Self-driving vehicles will ensure that those who drive for a living will no longer be employed. Those who cut code for a living, well this unique talent is now being taught in primary schools and will be something that most kids will be able to do at will. Delivering things to earn a buck? Drones are now taking those spots. Pretty soon, all those nice comfortable positions that are currently being held by individuals will be automated or somehow centralized so that a virtual person will be handling a majority of cases. Virtual doctors, accountants and lawyers.

This is not some kind of science fiction novel of the future. This is something that is happening right now and the tide cannot be held back. Unfortunately it won't be a case of the human world being able to sit back and relax while things get automated. The almighty dollar will still be prevalent in this near future. What can we possibly do?

Personally I don't believe this is all doom and gloom. Of course there's going to be countless new different opportunities to move into different areas. It's actually because of these changes that opportunities will arise. Many of them. Think back over the past decade alone, no one would have thought that putting short videos online would be making people millionaires!

The trick is to open yourself up to the new opportunities that are available because of the new technology. Don't close yourself off to different views. You have a unique perspective in life.

No one else has had the exact same experiences in the exact same manner as you have. Find a way to make this work for you. Start NOW. Don't wait for the inevitable to happen. Take action to begin the journey towards what you need and want for yourself. If you need to learn new skills, start now. If you are about creating art, music or poetry - start now. If you want to start a new business - start NOW!

Take stock of where you currently are. Look realistically at your career. Will it still be here in 5 years? 10?

My crazy world has included successfully combining all the skills of a artist, photographer, designer, programmer, and marketer into one crazy life.

I'm available for guest blogging, article writing and speaking events.

~ Frank

Tazz 1 Pty Ltd

Follow me in my crazy world via my site
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 By Frank Perez

Article Source: The Times, My Friend, They Are A Changing

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