The Media: Does The Mainstream Media Control How Some People Feel?

Whether someone does something or not can all depend on how they feel, and this shows how powerful their feelings are. There are going to be people who are defined by how they feel, and then there are going to be others who are able to take a step back.

A Slave

When someone's behaviour is generally defined by how they feel, it is going to be a challenge for them to determine how they will behave. In order for them to do something, it will often be necessary for them to be in the right mood.

As if they are not in the right mood, it is typically not going to be possible for them to do something. It will then be as if one can only do someone when this part of them gives them the permission to do so.


Therefore, it is naturally going to be difficult for them to behave how they want, and this can cause them to have moments when they feel incredibly frustrated and powerless. There can times in their life when they might be able to do what they want, and then it could be a number of days, or even weeks, until they are able to behave in the same way again.

For example, one may have the desire to lose weight, and this could cause them to join a gym. In the beginning, they could go a few times a week and, as time passes, they might no longer feel like going.

A Big Problem

This is then going to stop them from being able to lose weight, and they could end up gaining even more. If, on the other hand, they were able to take a step back, it would give them the chance to push through how they feel.

During this time, they could think about how important it is for them to keep going. Yet without the ability to do this, they are going to be nothing more than a slave to how they feel.

Another Approach

When someone's behaviour is not always defined by how they feel, it can show that they have the ability to contain how they feel. One is then not going to be in a position where their emotions have the tendency to overpower them.

It can then be seen as the difference between being caught up in a snow storm and holding a ball of snow. It will still be possible for one to maintain their sense of self, and this will make it easier for them to behave how they want.

One Outlook

One way of looking at this would be to say that this shows that they have a lot of willpower. Through having this inner strength, it stops them from being caught up in how they feel, and it allows them to fulfil their needs.

Another way of looking at it would be to say that their brain is working in the right way, and this is why they are able to experience life in this way. If the part of their brain that regulates their emotions wasn't functioning in the right way, there is a strong chance that they would be used to being overwhelmed by how they feel.

A Vital Ability

Not only will this allow them to experience greater control when it comes to how they behave, it will also stop them from being too reactive. Ultimately, it will make it easier for them to be a conscious human being.

And as there are all kinds of things taking place in the world, this can make it easier for them to maintain their centre. So whether one is around other people or simply being exposed to what is taking place in the world through the mainstream media, they will have the strength to deal with what they are exposed to.

A Big Impact

Yet when one has the propensity to be reactive, they can be thrown around by what happens around them. It then won't matter if they are around others or if they are paying attention to the mainstream media.

So instead of being able to be informed about what is taking place by this source of information, it will end up having a negative effect on their wellbeing. After watching the news or reading a paper/article, they could feel fearful or anxious, for instance.


This is then going to cause them to be consumed by what this source of information has told them is taking place in the world, and this is going to stop them from being able to focus on their own life. In an indirect manner, this source will have told them to jump, and they will have jumped.

But even though this will be taking place because they lack the ability to regulate their own emotions, it can still happen even if one can do this. Someone like this can allow themselves to get sucked in.

Misplaced Empathy

What this can come down to is that one's ability to empathise with others can end up being used against them. The mainstream media will focus on events that are designed to pull at their hearts strings.

Through being caught up in how they feel in their heart, it can then stop them from being able to think relationally. Their ability to think clearly will then be put to one side and they will be controlled by their feelings.


It could be said that the mainstream media doesn't exist to inform people; it simply exists to control people. Ergo, controlling how they feel is a big part of being able to control them in general.

With this in mind, it is clear to see how important it is for someone to make sure that they don't allow themselves to be sucked into what the mainstream media comes out with. If they can't think clearly and they are distracted from their own purpose, it is not going to make the world a better place.

Prolific writer, author, and coach, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over one thousand three hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. His current projects include 'A Dialogue With The Heart' and 'Communication Made Easy'.

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 By Oliver JR Cooper

Article Source: The Media: Does The Mainstream Media Control How Some People Feel?
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