The Happiness Bubble - Your Own Personal Army For Happiness

So I hear you mutter, what the heck is 'The Happiness Bubble'?

Probably been written about before but heck I didn't actually research the title, it kind of just popped into my head whilst researching and thinking about my next article. I thought it sounded kind of cool or maybe cute.

This is a little something that I've been toying with lately. We all know that happiness is a state of mind - a choice that each and every one of us decides on. Be happy or not.

Lately I've been intimately involved in a situation that, whilst of my own design, is not necessarily one that I want to be in. It's been the biggest struggle of my life to stay my happy-go-lucky self. That one person that always has a smile on their face with life going for them. In truth, there's been a few 'individuals' who have taken it upon themselves to try to burst my bubble. That's where the title came from.

Having used absolutely every weapon in my arsenal every day that I have had to be around these people, I found myself in a constant struggle. My internal dialog was running rampant, like a bull at a gate and I found myself having to rein myself in, constantly.

So I decided to try something a little bit different of late. I kick-start my day with some happiness. Sometimes it's some of my paintings, other times it's working on my next article and still others it's just a simple matter of leaving the day alone in the morning and just enjoying being.

Last week, on my way in to a dreaded day filled with the above people my subconscious put into my mind the question - What would happen if you imagined a great big Happiness bubble around you today? It got me thinking all sorts of things.

It began with a bubble and it quickly transformed into a Bubble Armor, filled with countless little soldiers, all manning different entries in to my life - My Happiness Army.

All day I envisaged my bubble armor surrounded me along with my little army.

No matter what was said to me or by whom, it had to get past my army. I'll tell you now, that army kicked @ss!

They were relentless in their pursuit of everything coming my way that day. It was glorious. My happiness meter stayed full all day and a very interesting side effect was noticed. The less that these people got to me, the more their own unhappiness was impacting them. Without being able to see the results of their efforts taking shape, they began to fall apart. It was almost like my Happiness Bubble just deflected their own unhappiness back on them.

Of course, I couldn't just leave it there. Unhappiness is not something that anyone should be forced with so I ordered my little army to start absorbing the unhappiness, transform it into happiness ammunition and then shoot them out.

Interestingly enough, the more happiness ammunition that gets shot by my army, the less unhappiness defense they need to do.

There's always going to be some happiness thief out in the world. They're a bunch of sneaky little minded people. Don't let them steal yours. Create your own happiness bubble, armor or bunker. Take the fight to them!

It's kind of fun imagining myself surrounded by my little army. Try it out - or perhaps try a variation on it. I think you'll be surprised.

My crazy world has included successfully combining all the skills of a artist, photographer, designer, programmer, and marketer into one crazy life.

I'm available for guest blogging, article writing and speaking events.

~ Frank

Tazz 1 Pty Ltd

Follow me in my crazy world via my site
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 By Frank Perez

Article Source: The Happiness Bubble - Your Own Personal Army For Happiness

Haus Persaingan

Haus Persaingan Cerita ini berisi tema atau penyebutan kekerasan fisik, gore, atau pelecehan. Saya telah menatap layar selama berjam-jam. ...