The Dangers Of FALSE Assumptions

Since most individuals, in positions of leadership, base their approaches, plans, programs, goals and actions, on certain assumptions, doesn't it make sense, to focus on the process, true leaders often use, to assure they are using facts, rather than opinions, etc? Most of us have, at some point, been warned about the dangers indicated, in the word, ASSUME, and the risk of making an ass, out of you, and me! As true as that is, for all of us, it is even more so, when in it comes to leaders! Therefore, using the mnemonic approach, let's review some of the dangers of FALSE auumptions.

1. Facts; figures; friends: Are those, you consider and/ or believe, to be friends, actually that? How do you determine facts from fiction, and avoid assuming something to be factual, because someone else, told you it was so? Don't depend upon someone else's interpretations, but rather, look at the raw data, and/ or figures, and ask questions, until you are satisfied, whether something is actual!

2. Attitude; attention; aptitude: Just as it is dangerous to rely on false assumptions, it is equally ill - advised, to believe someone who continuously claims, anything which disagrees with him, is obviously a false fact, or false news! Proceed with a positive, can - do attitude, and pay keen attention, to the process, interpretation, and potential ramifications. Avoid change - for - change - sake, or throwing the baby out with the bath water! Constantly train, learn, enhance your skills, judgment, become wiser, and develop the finest possible aptitude!

3. Leading; lessens; lessons: It's not leading, if you are pushing a personal agenda, or perspective, rather than prioritizing service to your constituents! When one makes false assumptions, it lessens the ability to proceed, in the most desirable way! Ask yourself, what lessons you can learn, from every experience and situation!

4. System; strengths; solutions; seek: If you want to be an effective, meaningful leader, you will need to develop a system, which works! Understand your organization, as well as your own, strengths and weaknesses, and best use the strengths, while effectively addressing and minimizing the weaknesses. A true leader must seek solutions, which address needs, priorities and concerns, as well as perceiving of, creating, developing and implementing a quality, sustainable system.

5. Excellence; efforts; empathy: While a real leader does all he can, to achieve the highest degree of excellence, he must be certain, what he considers to be a fact, is indeed one! Expend all your efforts, to proceed, with the empathy, your constituents deserve!

A leader can't let false facts, or FALSE assumptions, get in the way, of performing to the best of his abilities! Are you ready, willing and able, to commit to the needed focus, to avoid this trap?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

By Richard Brody 

Article Source: The Dangers Of FALSE Assumptions
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