Surviving Old Age - Gracefully

Congratulations! You have reached the "Golden Years". No more Monday Morning Blues and all the stress that can come from commuting and working. The challenge now is to survive old age gracefully. I am sure if you are reading this you desire for an active and interesting retirement is important to you. You definitely want to avoid the fate of so many older retirees you are wheel chair bound or those who spend their days cooped up in the homes watching reruns of old TV shows and munching on chips.

Having survived several years of retirement I thought I pass on some advice that I have followed and which has helped me age gracefully.

1. Stay physically fit: If you're not healthy and fit your chances of ending up wheel chair bound is pretty good. If you are fortunate to have maintain a level of physical activity that keeps you fit, good for you. If not it is never too late. Simple morning floor exercises, stretching and walking will pay many benefits. Eating plenty of veggie and lean protein and staying away from sugary and processed foods will go a long way towards preventing accidents and illnesses.

2. Financially sound: Hopefully you have managed to put money away for your old age. If not there are many ways to help you if your finances are tight. I am sure the city or town you live in has housing set aside for lower income senior citizens and has an Aging and Disability Department to help you. Where I live we are fortunate to have a very good senior center with lots of activities and low cost meals as well as surplus bread and rolls from local stores. There are thrift shops where you can buy clean slightly used clothes and if you are truly needy many ways to receive free food, housing and health care.

3. Have a Passion: Just because you have reached the "Golden Years" does not mean you cannot be passionate about something. Better yet have several passions! Maybe it watercolors, or local history, gourmet cooking and playing the guitar. Maybe you always wanted to learn French or take a college course. Now is the time to do it!

4. Spirituality: People of faith tend to be happy and live longer. Maybe it's the feeling that there is a higher power in control or just the social interaction of like minded caring people. The fact is that Spirituality, faith, religion can and should pa=lay and important role in our lives.

5. Social: Having friends and belonging to a group and/or club has many benefits. A strong network of family and friends to share life's joys and sorrows gives meaning to life. I am sure that whatever your interest are you can find a group of people who share that interest.

This is far from being a complete list and in truth whole books have been written on each of the above items. But the purpose of this article is to get you thinking about aging well, being healthy, financially secure, having a reason to get up and out of the house and finding your passion. My mom says that life is an adventure and at 94 still enjoys her family and friends. So make it your mission to age gracefully living life to its fullest.

Helping you live a vital and meaningful life is my passion and mission. Your journey starts with the first step. Take that step now and start living! Wellness Secrets

 By Alan P Turner

Article Source: Surviving Old Age - Gracefully
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