Stop Reading and Start Doing

Have you ever read all these articles, editorials and books on how to find your life's purpose and still feel totally adrift? Does it seem to you that the more you actually think about it, the more confused you actually end up feeling?

This happens to a lot of people. The same information seems to get regurgitated by countless people. Most of whom I dare say have never actually tried to do anything other with their lives but try to be 'life coaches'.

Have you wondered to yourself why there are some speakers that you instantly connect with?

Those few who when they speak you feel yourself drawn in? Take a closer look at them and where they've come from. I can pretty much guarantee that they've been through something in their life and come out the other end all the better for it.

This is where they key to finding your passion comes from, - from experience not just reading about it. The bottom line is that you will never find out what you are passionate about until you start experiencing different things. Start doing things and stop thinking about doing things. Start to write an article or a book. Start to sketch out that painting that you want to do. Write down some poetry or start that new business. Don't wait. Get started now.

Fail early, fail fast and move on with your life. You will find what it is that you are passionate about once you begin doing things. Start living your life and filling it with things that make you feel alive, whatever they may be. Stop looking for the elusive purpose. Make living your life with passion your purpose. A passion filled life full of wonder. When you are taking daily action to live your life with passion, your purpose will be fulfilled. Your heart will pull you in the right direction without your mind taking control.

For me, being a creative by nature is a tough gig. You're always expected to come up with something new - every day! All writers will get writers block, all creatives will get creative block! What you are experiencing is what I call passion block. A small thing that helps me get over any creative obstacles and pretty much gives me a kick in the backside to get moving again is to do something new. Sometimes it can be something major like bungee jumping or sky diving but more often than not it can be something as seemingly insignificant as going to a new caf� for a coffee and talking to someone I have never met before.

Complacency and living a life that is filled with the same experiences I find leads to very few new ideas, thoughts and views on life.

Still looking for your purpose? Listen to your heart, it already knows what you want.

Yep. Been there done that. Failed so many times in so many ways that the information I pass on is first hand not just the second-hand sayings of others. Live a life filled with passion - passion in everything that you do, that's the secret to a purposeful life.

My crazy world has included successfully combining all the skills of a artist, photographer, designer, programmer, and marketer into one crazy life.

I'm available for guest blogging, article writing and speaking events.

~ Frank

Tazz 1 Pty Ltd

Follow me in my crazy world via my site
or Insta!

 By Frank Perez

Article Source: Stop Reading and Start Doing

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