Six Tips to Cope With Tourette's Syndrome

It can be very difficult to live with Tourette's syndrome. It is a mental disability that is hard to cope with in a world that is so full of noise and a fundamental lack of understanding about Tourette's syndrome. It can be function and manage with our lives, given that very few people know about the condition.

It can be difficult to cope with living with Tourette's syndrome. However, by following the six tips, you can best live with the condition and even help others to understand you better.

1. Be a role model. There are quite a few people with Tourette's syndrome. We should not assume that people will be judgmental of us. So, we have to act assertive and self-assured, even when we feel a bit scared.

2. Don't invite pity. The worse thing that we can do is to invite a pity party for what we are going through. Everyone has different hardships. So, it is important to cope and to thrive, despite the fact that you may have Tourette's syndrome.

3. Know who your true friends are. People who love us genuinely and are real friends won't laugh at us or make fun at our disabilities. If you find that someone is like that towards you, have nothing to do with that person and find people who will truly care about you for who you are.

4. When you get knocked down, get up quickly. We all get knocked down. We can't do much about that. But we sure can do something about how we react to hurts from others. So, when someone hurts you, move on. Try and have nothing with do with the person or have a frank conversation with the person.

5. Pick and choose your battles. Living with Tourette's syndrome is hard enough. People will be ignorant of your condition and what you are going through. So, it is important not to strike everyone who says a wrong word that will hurt us. Since we are sensitive anyways, we have to pick our battles and make sure that we don't overreact to things that are small.

6. Give people more than one chance to understand you. Since Tourette's syndrome is so little understood, we must give other people more than one chance to understand us. If they keep hurting us on purpose, however, it is time to move on and connect with other people.

By taking these steps, you will be coping with Tourette's syndrome in the best possible way, and you will be trying your best to live in a world that very much doesn't understand what you are going through.

Irene S. Roth writes for teens, tweens, and kids about self-empowerment. She is the author of over thirty-five books and over five hundred online articles. She also has four hundred and sixty published book reviews both online and in print. In addition, she has several books published about determining if you're in the midst of a sociopath. Please double click on this link to read about one of them:

 By Irene Roth

Article Source: Six Tips to Cope With Tourette's Syndrome

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