Six Morning Rituals That Help to Kick Off a Good Start Into Every Day

Have you ever thought of some wonderful morning rituals to help you to give a good start into every single day? If your day starts off fine, chances are it will end off super good as well. Well, you are the driver of your days and nothing is as good as performing a few morning rituals to make a great start into your days. So what are some of these rituals? Read on to find out.

The rituals I am about to mention take less than an hour. So I recommend them daily for your greatest advantage. Here goes:

1) A Small Prayer

Start off your day saying a small prayer. Include in it what your desired elements are for the day that you would like to come to fruition. Include praying for your family and yourself and also two extra great persons in your life whom you love. That way you are bound to feel good and have a good morning start.

2) A Meditation Exercise

The meditation exercise does not have to be extensive. Just breathe in and out 20 times or as much as possible initially and then extend it to 20 times or more.

3) Left Hand Writing Ritual

With your left hand, date in a notebook and start writing with your left hand the following statement:

I am getting ahead in life step by step one day at a time.

Now this is a powerful exercise as well. Because you cannot write quickly and steadily with your left hand, you will always be aware of what you are writing and it will fixate in your mind, making your statement a reality.

4) 15 seconds of positive thoughts

Try to come up with powerful positive thoughts and dwell upon them for 15 seconds. Here are a few to help you:

a) Every day in every way I am getting better, better and better.

b) My life is a great adventure.

c) I love the way just as I am.

d) I have an abundance of energy and I am of great vibes to others.

e) Wealth and prosperity flow easily towards me.

f) I go higher and stronger with life's challenges.

5) A Gratitude Journal

Keep a gratitude journal by your bedside and every morning write five things you are grateful for in your life. Now why is that a powerful exercise? It allows you to count the blessings in your life. The more you find them, the more they flow into your life.

6) A Short Positive Content Self-Help eBook

Instead of reading news in the morning, read a short positive content self-help eBook and fill your soul and mind with energy and vigor. I promise it will do you a lot of good instead of reading news which contains a whole lot of negative content all the time.

All the six rituals are terrific and make a great start into your day. The positivity will exude from you and others you come in touch with will catch your vibes and feel positive too. So make it a point to carry out all the six rituals under an hour every morning. That way not only you become happy but wealthy as well full of rich thoughts plus you are off to great start into your mornings as each single day passes by.

Rosina S Khan has authored this article, highlighting how performing a few morning rituals, you exude positivity and have a great start into each of your days.

For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories, amazing self-help eBooks, commendable articles, quality scholar papers and valuable blogs, all authored by her, and much more, visit: You will be glad that you did.

 By Rosina S Khan

Article Source: Six Morning Rituals That Help to Kick Off a Good Start Into Every Day
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