Setting Goals - Bigger IS Better

Goal setting is one of the keys to getting to your greater self and living a fulfilling life. A life filled with purpose. The key to setting your goals, your final purpose in life and what you want to achieve is to GO LARGE!

Dream as big as you possibly can. Set the bar as high as you think you can go - then double it!

I have absolutely no doubt that there will be people out there - professionals even, who will tell you not to dream unachievable goals.

Who's to say what's unachievable?

Set your own goals and make them huge!

The danger that I see from setting a goal that is not large is that the effort that gets expended is synonymous with the goal.

If it takes little effort to achieve then the goal is little!

Problem is, these smaller goals are the ones where we find ourselves losing motivation and lacking commitment. Make your dreams and goals absolutely mind-boggling huge. Believe you can achieve them, plan out the course and then dive in head-first.

1. Go for the Biggest Carrot
Alrighty then, let's get to the nitty-gritty. Dream BIG. Bigger Still. The bigger the goal, the more realistically attainable it becomes. Make your final goal worthy of your time and effort. Something that gets you fired up and ready to take on the world.

2. Get in touch with your purpose.
When your dreams are aligned with your goals and they're based on your purpose and meaning for living, then your motivation goes through the roof.

Find ways to reinforce yourself in a positive way when attaining your goals. Once again, don't reward yourself small. Big Goals, Big Dreams, Big Effort, Big Reward.

3. Don't Lose Faith
Remember, if this process was going to be easy, everyone would have done it by now. There will be obstacles. Face that, realise that and write down a plan on what you will do when they occur. Having a plan in place will reduce the amount of fear that these obstacles can produce in you. You're ready for them!

The bigger the goal, the greater the motivation and the greater the effort that will be put in. Treat the simple things with respect and take the bigger challenges with ease. The only person in this world that has the power to tell you that your dreams are unachievable is yourself. Don't let yourself fall into that trap.

This month really has been all about motivation, success, goal planning and setting. May we all achieve our goals and then some!

My crazy world has included successfully combining all the skills of a artist, photographer, designer, programmer, and marketer into one crazy life.

I'm available for guest blogging, article writing and speaking events.

~ Frank

Tazz 1 Pty Ltd

Follow me in my crazy world via my site
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 By Frank Perez

Article Source: Setting Goals - Bigger IS Better

Haus Persaingan

Haus Persaingan Cerita ini berisi tema atau penyebutan kekerasan fisik, gore, atau pelecehan. Saya telah menatap layar selama berjam-jam. ...