Perfectly Imperfect - A Guide To Being Perfect

The one thing that I absolutely love about being a creative in the artistic sense is that there's no right or wrong. It's all about emotions, feelings and doing what I love. In actual fact, the search for perfection seems to lead down the path of worry and anxiety. It can lead to feeling overwhelmed and powerless.

Everything in today's' life seems to point to making everyone believe that they must attain perfection in everything from the clothes they wear to the way their hair is and everything in between. Little wonder that most people are feeling disconnected, disenchanted and continuously worrying.

It's time that we all took a deep breath, stepped back a little bit and actually just be ourselves. Your beautiful imperfect perfection. That's correct - Imperfectly Perfect. There's actually perfection in your imperfections. Each and every one of us is a unique individual so this crazy notion of perfection is actually attained by each of us, every single day just by being ourselves!

It's when you're not being yourself and are trying to achieve or attain something that is not you when the worry starts to set in. Doubts are manufactured within ourselves and they manifest to the outer world, a world that reacts to those doubts and then reinforces them in us. A never-ending cycle ensues unless you do something about it!

What to do?

This is actually one of the easier things we can do on our quest for happiness. Be Ourselves. In all our imperfectly perfect glory. We're no longer in high school with all the peer pressures associated with it. Time to stand on your own two feet and just live life as yourself.

Don't kid yourself, even though this is one of the easiest things in the world - it becomes one of the hardest things to actually achieve. How many of us live our lives wearing different masks depending on the environment that we find ourselves in at that particular moment? It's truly sad to live in a world which views uniqueness as a detrimental quality and not embracing the differences of each and every one of us.

It's like we've all been brainwashed into believing that the little boxes that the big corporates and governments of the world have put us in are the only way to be. Add to this the unrealistic expectations that we see from 'celebrities' and the 'insta-famers' of this world and I can do nothing but shake my head in exasperation!

We are all unique. We are all individuals. It's time to stand up and be counted for being you, not the version of you that society wants.

Perfection awaits to be released. All it needs is for you to be yourself. I dare you!

Yep. I'm a crazy nutcase artistic creative and unique individual. Guess what? So Are You! Don't let the outside world determine who you are in this life. Take it by the horns and shake it up. To be truly perfect is to be imperfect. Embrace it and learn to love it!

My crazy world has included successfully combining all the skills of a artist, photographer, designer, programmer, and marketer into one crazy life.

I'm available for guest blogging, article writing and speaking events.

~ Frank

Tazz 1 Pty Ltd

Follow me in my crazy world via my site
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 By Frank Perez

Article Source: Perfectly Imperfect - A Guide To Being Perfect

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