People DON'T Resist Change - That They Do Is A MYTH

That people resist change is a myth. Don't believe me - if people resisted change would they ever - get married, retire, take a new job, move to a new state, go someplace new on vacation, have kids, buy a new house - got it - people don't resist change it's a myth that we have been taught for years by society, parents, schools etc.

What people resist is - losing control - so if they feel like a change will cause them to lose control they will resist the change but if they feel or believe that the change will not cause them to lose control - they won't resists the change - it's that simple. And what do people want to maintain control of - their health, happiness, security and safety. So, let me explain with a couple of quick examples. If you are a manager, leader and experience resistance from employees, vendors or customers due to the changes it's simple - you have not done an effective job of showing them or convincing them that the changes they will experience will not cause them to lose control of an important area of their life, career or business.

Let's say your organization is going through a merger or acquisition and people are wondering even afraid - will I lose my job? Will my income get cut? Will my hours or responsibilities change? If the answers to any of these questions is yes - you can expect resistance, because your actions are causing them to lose control of something that is important to them.

How about - you have accepted a new job in a different state and must relocate and your kids are having hissy fits because you are moving. Guess what - they feel like their lives will never be the same because of this move so they will fight these changes tooth and nail. I know, growing up I was in 18 schools in five states in 12 years. Trust me - I understand the concept of change and losing control.

One more - You are surprising your spouse with a special four-day weekend getaway package to a new part of the country or even country he or she has never been before - their reaction - mixed - one of excitement and concern - what will it be like, what will the people be like, is it safe etc.

So, what's the answer - if you want to reduce or even eliminate common causes to change show people how the changes will not cause them to lose control of important areas or aspects of their lives. Want more resistance - keep shoving change down their throats with little concern for how it impacts them.

 By Tim Connor

Article Source: People DON'T Resist Change - That They Do Is A MYTH

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