I strongly believe that one of the core reasons why so many get accustomed to living a life of survival instead of a life that is thriving is because they let the hustle and bustle of life completely take over their lives and clog their decision-making.
Stay purpose-driven. I know firsthand how easy it can be at times to let the hustle and bustle of life take over every move of yours if you aren't intentional about staying purpose-driven. Staying purpose-driven can mean a lot of things. Everything that you do should revolve around staying purpose-driven.
Hang around with winners. You have probably heard a million times about the importance of who you hang out with, but it's amazing how many people still don't comprehend it and practice it in their every day life.
Constantly build yourself up. There is no doubt about it that life can be hard. Find whatever works for you and stick to a plan. When you learn to be your own best friend and constantly search for ways to build yourself up rather than tear yourself down, you will begin to realize that you absolutely got this and have what it takes.
You don't have to merely exist in life. You can thrive by practicing gratitude on a daily basis. Each day, think of something new. Don't repeat the same thing twice. Forgive yourself and others for past "mistakes." These are all learning opportunities. Take the lessons from them and move on.
Always keep learning-about yourself and others. If they knew better, they'd do better. Make time for fun and relaxation. So many people take life way too seriously! Life is a balance-work and play. Make time for work as well-something that provides value for others. Having a purpose provides a sense of well-being in your life. Contribute. Give back to the world in a positive manner.
Look for beauty. Take care of your body. This adds so much more to your life when you are taking part in something that you actually lose track of time when you are doing it, or you look forward to it because it is challenging you to bring out your best. Get rid of the idea of perfection. There's no such thing.
You can't be the best, but you can do your best. That's a huge difference! Pay attention to your limiting beliefs. Do you think you're a lousy writer? Who says? A horrible singer, actor, business person, public speaker, artist? What beliefs hold you back? Are you afraid of flying or scared of relationships? Try something new.
Push the envelope a little and try something different! Don't take the love in your life for granted. When you do, your actions take on a different meaning. Love is action. Life is too short to be taking each other for granted. Learn how to disagree respectfully.
Learn to be 100% responsible for your life. Admit your mistakes and learn from them. Trust that something better will happen because of them.
Thriving individuals have a spark that fuels energy in themselves and others too. Thriving has two crucial components: vitality and learning. Learning means growing through new knowledge and skills.
By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales
Article Source: Our Mission In Life Is Not Just To Survive, But To Thrive