Miracles and Healing Power of the Mind - Your Reality

Miracles and the healing power of the mind are in no way magic like ego-based thinking tries to depict.

Healing power certainly can give us optimum health. But it's easy for our mind to see a virus when we are ill as evil and demanding and in charge, and therefore believe we must have to fight this thing off.

There was the story about someone's lack of healing power and seeing a virus as her source, or at best an unwanted violator-not to mention her constant hacking and sneezing and fever telling her what was in control.

Ironically, seeing the virus as in control only made it more alive for her, when in reality she was separating more of her mind from its true Source--God, and engaging in more wrong-minded, or ego-based, fragmentation.

When she allowed blame to set in toward the others who may have spread the germs to her, as well as other issues in her life leaving her struggling, she used this blame as a defense against the insanity she was experiencing.

It was the same blame she used for her career in the gutter and seeing no hope for the future.

Finally she realized she needed to atone-meaning shifting her mind toward wholeness instead of the belief in separation from her true Source, leaving the virus where it was-in her body-to run its natural course.

She found that when she talked to it and faced it head on she was making the seemingly impossible become possible. She was leaving ego-based thinking behind and letting it understand that in no way was it going to govern who she truly is.

Yes, her power of the mind stood by with healing power and merely watched it leave town-just like the sheriff in an old western movie escorting the bad guys to the town's boundary line.

To atone here, means to undo any separated thought from the Oneness of God, thereby leaving you whole. Her own ego-based thought was making an illusion out of the virus and building additional ego-based defenses.

This fearful, doubtful, and defensive ego-based thought system doesn't understand the power of the mind.

It doesn't understand true free will and living to your true calling, and thereby thrives on making us feel it necessary to experience loss or sacrifice in order to win battles against enemies-the "other."

Our typical response is usually a call "out" to God somewhere outside of us, to please get rid of this nasty illness. The emphasis always seems to be: "I am sick." You are not "sick", you are of your Source which is whole and eternal.

When we atone back to our Source we are simply experiencing power of the mind while remembering that we are not an idea of our "sick body," and healing power is restored. This is the idea the most successful on the planet have instilled in them.

We are the Idea of God, which means that this Idea, which is of Oneness, cannot include illness. When you ask the Holy Spirit to direct your healing power awareness back to whole-minded thinking, then a connectedness to this Oneness can be felt.

You, as an integral part of the Whole Child of God, are the Idea of God.

In this One and Whole, single Thought, Ideas are only of your true free will, and your free will does not involve sickness. This is where your healing power is manifested.

Is this to say we should not take a prescribed medication, such as the antibiotics? Of course not; the medications can be seen as the gun in the sheriff's hand as he escorts the bad guys out of town.

And this is a whole-minded way of thinking that gives you power of the mind, fueling utmost potential and bliss in your life.

The body can often be heavily influenced by wrong-mindedness-that constantly doubting and fearful aspect in us, called ego, and the medications are simply aiding the body with the physical means necessary to move the ailment along its natural path.

Remember, the body is all about the use of time.

The Holy Spirit, Who is our whole divine inner power, uses time as well, however, when whole-mindedness rushes in to fill the gaps left by the fragmenting ego.

When your body is sick it's just a matter of understanding this, which will allow the healing to continue through the whole-mind and its perception of being separated, or, "sick."

While we are occupying our body here on Earth, healing power is constantly ongoing, because the ego is constantly fragmenting or splitting like cancer cells under a microscope, we can say.

The question for you is:

Where is the balance of your splitting-mind in the ratio of wrong-minded to whole-minded thoughts and perceptions?

Ask yourself: Which perception is in control, you or the ego?

Remember, you made the ego, but it is not truly who or what you are.

To your healing power

I'm James Nussbaumer and I'd like to introduce myself to you through my thought provoking spiritual and inspirational books, which are reflections of A Course in Miracles. To see more please visit me at: http://jamesnussbaumer.com/

I'm also offering you a subscription to my EVERYDAY MIRACLES newsletter, which includes the first two books of my ever-developing series shipped to you, and my ongoing webinars, videos and so much more helping everyday people live life on their own terms. If you're interested in letting go of the past and attaining Real Abundance, Purpose, and Wealth, visit me here: http://jamesnussbaumer.com/self-help-library/

 By James Nussbaumer

Article Source: Miracles and Healing Power of the Mind - Your Reality
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