Well, this is it.
Soak it in,
The Universe"
This quote is obvious to many who understand the principle of life being a journey. The destination is actually death. Many might disagree as saying that destination is when you have lived a fulfilled life and taking advantage of your hard work to appreciate the finest thing. Just like education or learning should have no end to it, life has really no destination. When one goal is fulfilled, another one should appear in the horizon for you to accomplish it. Destination is where you need to go to complete your voyage but is it really completed? When you travel to a destination, either for pleasure or business, arriving there doesn't mean the end. You head there to either have a vacation or for business deal or whatever else responsibilities. Once completed, you head back for another journey to finally arrive to that new or old previous destination. So what is more exciting? The journey to get to vacation or arriving at that destination? For many, they feel that the plane ride or driving to destination is exciting, fulfilling because of anticipation. That doesn't mean that when they do arrive, they get depressed. The endorphins kicks in because of the anticipation, which renders lots more excitement than actually arriving there.
Since consciousness remains AFTER death of the physical body, we all wonder if our journey to the unknown continues because of this theory. Once we die, does our mind feels that excitement of the many journeys ahead of us? Is there a final journey or a final destination? Since our consciousness can travel at the speed of light and visit billions of galaxies in our vast universe, can we approach this theory as allowing us to see above and beyond what theoretical physicist have been trying to prove, for many years, the string theory and parallel universes? Because of the complex nature of this subject, it is evident to say that no one in the medical industry have been able to literally separate consciousness from the actual brain, which in return, allows the medical field to say that both are intrinsically related and when one dies, the other does as well (means when physical brain dies, consciousness will follow). Despite the many research to prove the doctors wrong, including NDE (Near Death Experience), OBE (Out of Body experience), and the many other spiritual experiences that humans have shared, we can admittedly and with confidence say that consciousness remains and journeys are what makes life worth living. Happiness is found from within, and not from without. You dictate how you want to live your life and whatever journey you come across, make sure it is traveled with a purpose, a meaning and lots of excitement.
Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC
Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach
Free Consultation: 301-325-1550
Website: http://www.lifecoachdanamzallag.com
By Daniel A Amzallag
Article Source: Message From the Universe: Your Journey in Life