Message From the Universe: Speak It and It Shall Happen!

"Some people say life is hard. It is not.

Some people say it's easy. It is not.

Some say it's lonely, tricky, or a test. It is not.

Life is only a reflection of whatever you say.

What say you?
The Universe"

Say life is amazing, say life is great. Say that you wouldn't want it to be any other way. Be grateful for what life has to offer. Look into yourself and appreciate the things you already have. Do not complain about having more of this or that, not having enough of $$$, not driving a better car, not working at a better job, not dating a nicer significant other. If you are seeking these changes, life can only do so much. You want more money, look into creating opportunities for yourself. Wanting to drive that nicer car? Get the money first but start looking at the car you really want, go test drive it, look into the features, the color, the model, and so on and so forth. More you are into wanting that car, and more it will happen, based on how the Universe will align itself for that to happen. Obviously, sitting on your ass and not doing anything about getting that car will NOT suddenly appear in your garage. Reach out to the Universe, show that you are willing to do anything it takes to get that car, believe that you will reach that goal and let the Universe take care of the rest.

How about that job? Are you miserable in it? Do you feel that your boss is taking you for granted? Let me ask you. If someone slaps you in the face, will you give them the other cheek to slap? Understanding that jobs are hard to find, but there are some out there waiting for you to fill in the position. Just look harder and you shall find. Miserable in your present relationship? Things are not going the way you wanted? Is he or she taking you for granted? Yes, love hurts but staying in a toxic relationship can hurt more. Look at it like a band-aid, tear it off, do it quickly. It will hurt the first time you pull the plug, so to speak, but the wound will heal and you will be ready to meet someone new and definitely better. Never let them put you down by saying: "You will never find anyone like me out there, or whatever". The best answer to that is: "I hope not. I pray there is only one ass like you out there. Adios Muchachos". So now that all answers have been given to you, start saying: "Life is great, life is good, life is what I want it to be"

Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC

Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

Free Consultation: 301-325-1550


 By Daniel A Amzallag

Article Source: Message From the Universe: Speak It and It Shall Happen!
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