Yours is showing,
The Universe"
So, do you feel awesome now? You must be. Remember that it is not all OR nothing, it can be just a little bit of this and little bit of that. Most humans are looking for the EVERYTHING to make themselves happy. They refuse to accept what comes their way because it is never enough. You are right about that. It will NEVER be just enough. Ambition plays the same role. There is NEVER any limit to your ambition, and it will act sometimes against you. In the grand scheme of things, when you look at your potential and determine that you can go further, longer, stronger and being unstoppable, you feel you can accomplish everything you want out of life and that you won't accept anything less during your journey. Unfortunately for you, life do not work this way. Change your perspective before it changes you in the wrong way. Looking to be a better person is one thing but feeling entitled that you should expect ONLY the best from yourself is a crime to you and humanity.
We all have our faults. No one is perfect and never think that you are. If you want to adopt a humble approach and be grateful for everything you have in life, then go for it. That will bring you back down to our dear planet Earth and make you realize that you are a simple human being. You are no different than anyone else. You have a heart, lungs, brain, limbs and everything else for proper functioning but that's about it. Once you start realizing that life, as you expect it to be, will not bend itself backward to make you happy. You are the one who will bend itself to adapt to the changes that life throws at you. If you can learn to accomplish that simple task in your life, I can promise you that from this day forward, you will see positive changes and will want to help others do the same. There is so much more about life than material assets and living it to its fullest is something that every single 7.1 billion people on earth should learn how to do.
Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC
Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach
Free Consultation: 301-325-1550
By Daniel A Amzallag
Article Source: Message From the Universe: Feeling of Being AWESOME