Leaders Must Understand Difference Between Can, And Can NOT

There is often a fine - line, between being delusional, and having a negative, can't do, attitude! While it is essential for a quality leader, to proceed with a positive, can - do, attitude, he must do so, in a realistic manner, without wearing rose - colored glasses! Only when one knows the differences between doable, possible, probable, impossible and improbable, is he capable of effectively leading, because, only then, does he become capable on focusing on what needs to be done and achieved, based on a combination of goals, priorities, needs, concerns, etc. In order to attempt to ease this burden, this article, will use the mnemonic approach, so we can clearly explain, why leads need to know and understand, the differences between can, and can NOT!

1. Never say never; notice; needs; nuances; necessities: A leader's attitude must lead him to seek solutions and ways to achieve what's necessary, rather than being negative, and failing to consider alternatives, options, etc! He must avoid becoming his own worst enemy, and never, say never! He must proceed with his eyes - wide - open, and notice what's going on, and what is, as opposed to what could (and should) be. Decisions, actions, and mindset must focus on needs, concerns and priorities. Avoid the one - size - fits - all, approach, because every group has certain unique characteristics, etc, and, therefore, a quality leader, learns and uses the proper combination of nuances. This combination is what I refer to as the necessities of effective leadership, because unless someone has these, he will become a can't - type of leader, rather than a solutions - oriented one!

2. Options; opportunities; organized; originate: Rather than resorting to complaining, blaming and negativity, focus on the options and alternatives, and how you might address weaknesses and/ or struggles! Be prepared for opportunities, and if they do not present themselves, a can - do leader, will go out and create the best opportunity! This requires being organized, prepared, self - confident, positive, and strong! A true leader must originate solutions, strategies, and conceive of, create, develop and implement the best action plan!

3. Trends; techniques; tendencies; timeliness: Just because it's always been done that way, does not mean it must only be done that way, this time! Study relevant trends, and use them to your best advantage. Develop the skills, assets and techniques, which make you a better leader! Above all, realize, you must proceed in a well - considered, but timely manner!

Henry Ford is credited with saying, You can believe you can, or cannot. Either way, you'll be correct. Focus on what you can do, and how, rather than finding comfort in what you perceive, you can NOT!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Leaders Must Understand Difference Between Can, And Can NOT
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