Leaders Must Seek The Best SOLUTIONS

Those in positions of leadership often choose between passing the buck, blaming and complaining, or tackling challenges head - on, considering options and alternatives, and seeking the best, most viable, SOLUTIONS! While we often witness politicians using empty rhetoric, blaming, complaining, and promising they will fix the problem, the mere fact, they use the word, problem, often tells you a lot about one's attitude. When confronted with obstacles, the first thing someone must realize, is he can perceive them, as problems, or challenges to overcome. When one sees problems, he rarely addresses them, but rather takes the path of least resistance, trying, often, to procrastinate, stall, and pass the buck aand responsibility to others. On the other hand, a true leader sees these as challenges to overcome, and rather than seeking ways to avoid, attacks them head - on, with a well - conceived, strategic and action plan.

1. Solve; see; strengths: What will the leader visualize (or, see)? Will he see a group, with importance, and potential, which may have somewhat, lost its way, and needs a plan, to once again, become relevant, etc, or will he focus on the negatives, and become easily discouraged? Will he seek to solve the issues, or merely address the short - term concerns, like someone who merely puts a band - aid, on a hemorrhage? Does he recognize both the organization (as well as his own) strengths, as well as weaknesses, and figure out the best way to utilize ares of strength, while addressing weaknesses, in a productive manner?

2. Options; originate: Do you believe you possess an open - mind, and would be willing to consider, without prejudgment or bias, options and alternatives, or would you merely remain within your self - limiting, comfort zone, and do the same - old, same - old? Will you originate alternative ideas and implement them, or be one of those, whose best idea, is simply, the last, great idea, you heard?

3. Learn; listen; leadership: Will you commit to listen effectively and thoroughly, so you are constantly learning? Will you do all you can, to become an example of quality, effective, empathetic leadership?

4. Urgent; urge; usual/ unusual; unique: Can you differentiate between urgent issues and true priorities, or will you get bogged down with minutia? Are you brave enough to effectively articulate what needs to be done, and urge others to follow and participate? Will you employ both, all the usual, as well as unusual, techniques available? Do you need to be like those before you, or will you put your unique stamp, on your endeavors?

5. Trouble - shooting; trustworthy; timely: Before you panic or become overwhelmed, will you proceed in an organized, strategic way, to effectively trouble - shoot, so you can get the bigger picture, and understand better, what needs to be addressed? Will others consider you sufficiently trustworthy, they are willing to truly listen, and follow? Will you proceed in a well - considered, timely manner?

6. Ideas; integrity: Be a leader with ideas, and constantly demonstrate and exhibit your absolute integrity!

7. Opportunities: How will you position yourself, in order to recognize, and take advantage of the best opportunities? If you don't witness one, what will you do, to create a quality opportunity?

8. Needs; nuances: Do you understand the unique characteristics of your group, and will you be capable of taking advantage of the nuances, which might make the most difference? Are you needs - oriented, or too set in your ways?

9. Sustainable: A true leader realizes solutions must not only address current needs, but must focus on the longer - term, and conceive of, create, develop and implement the finest, sustainable system!

Don't be blinded by perceived problems, but rather focus on SOLUTIONS. If you hope to be a real leader, that is a necessity!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Leaders Must Seek The Best SOLUTIONS
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