Keep Your Resolutions (and Don't Get Shot!)

Happy New Year!

Every year, millions of people make New Year's resolutions. Apparently, only 8% will actually stick with 'em.

That's really low. Like... you're more likely to have a Star Wars stormtrooper manage to actually shoot you in a firefight than you are to keep your New Year's resolution.

Why is that?

The main reason is because of the type of resolution folks make. Far too often, they're vague or unreasonable: "I'm going to eat healthier," "I'm going to lose 100 pounds!" "I'm going to exercise more."

The trick to a good New Year's resolution is to, instead of focusing on a vague or lofty goal, focus on a specific new habit you want to build this year.

So instead of "I'm gonna lose me some weight!" maybe say "I'm going to incorporate fresh fruit and veggies into my diet every day."

New habit. Very reasonable.

Another good example would be, as a stormtrooper, to commit to forming a habit of daily target practice. One simple habit, reasonable to implement, can have a long-lasting effect.

One of the habits I personally want to form this year is studying chess every day. I really enjoy the game and I want to improve at it, so that's a reasonable goal of a habit to form for me. It'll be tough when the new semester rolls in, so I've gotten a head start the past couple weeks.

As a student, one of the best habits you can get into is keeping a calendar. And into that calendar goes every single due date for every single assignment you'll have for the entire semester.

It's a hefty habit to get into, but it's well worth it.

Imagine being able to, at a glance, know what assignments are due and when for the next month and a half. Pretty sweet, eh?

If you're a glutton for punishment and want to double down on your resolutions, try this: schedule your fun time.

I can speak from experience when I say that there are few things more enjoyable than goofing off and knowing you're allowed to. When you decide to schedule out time to have fun it makes that fun time more relaxing and more rewarding.

It also helps you stay focused during study times, since you know you have something to look forward to.

In any case, whatever your resolution for this New Year, make it reasonable, an actionable habit that you can build one day at a time. Implementing one simple habit like keeping a calendar or scheduling out your fun can make you a better student all by itself.

And there's not much more you can ask from a New Year's Resolution, is there?

There are dozens more free tips just like this waiting for you over at

 By Maximilian Hart

Article Source: Keep Your Resolutions (and Don't Get Shot!)
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