Just Get Over Yourself

Here they are again! Our self limiting beliefs. For some reason, they show up every day. Even though we made pretty clear, we've been there, done that (too many times) and are ready to move on to the next stage of evolution.

Why is there still this voice inside, whispering how small we are, how insignificant, how ridiculous.

The provocative statement is ruling our life: 'Why would we think we can, if the truth is we can't?'

We might stop right here. How about rewriting our truth? How about creating a new mantra?

Empowering instead of defeating.
Comforting instead of depressing.
Valuable instead of unworthy.

Let's unplug from the old belief system and set a new daily intention:
We can because we think we can!

"You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. You were created to be victorious."

Don't let your own expectations hold you back. We've been told to dream big. But sometimes we just THINK way to big and get overwhelmed before we even start. We overestimate what we should be doing in the beginning and underestimate the power which resides within each of us.

We compare ourselves with the shining stars out there. We put them up on a pedestal and don't look close enough. Otherwise we might discover, that every shining star started out very small. They all failed at some point in their lives. They just didn't care. They didn't care about other opinions. They didn't care getting ridiculed from naysayers. They didn't care about the negative head shakers, telling them they should give up and go home. Or even better, not to start at all.

What I love about life is the simplicity of it.
Following just simple rules can have a huge impact on our evolutionary process.
We need to commit and show up. We need to get started.

"Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure." George Edward Woodberry

Life is short. Too short to sit and wait. Too short to keep playing small.
Let's start traveling lighter and empty our pockets filled with pity.

If we feel we don't belong, we wouldn't be here.
If we feel we are not important, we wouldn't be here.

Instead, just get over yourself in a loving way and show up. The world is not watching you at every given moment. If you fail, nobody might care, because we are all focused on our own concerns. If you succeed, the world might applaud you for your courage. Your courage to show up and do it anyways.

About the author: Anne Wilson is walking to path of a spiritual nomad, offering her service as life coach with focus on the Power of Now and Present Moment Awareness Coaching.

Sign up for a free 30 minute consultation session to learn more about the program and how it can serve you. http://www.spiritual-nomads.com

 By Anne Wilson

Article Source: Just Get Over Yourself
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