Is Anybody Listening? The Universe Is Always Listening

Sometimes, in spite of your best efforts, beautiful prayers, and endless study, life appears to betray you, forcing you into a "battlefield state of consciousness." You find you must ready yourself to deal with your worst fears.

Conceivably, it can appear in the form of unemployment, homelessness, divorce, the death of a loved one, etc. Just maybe, this nightmare is a combination many things. It could even be all of the above. Even though you have made your spiritual quest a priority, it does not take long to see the cold hard facts. This leaves you thinking you are not going to make it. To keep this feeling of dying a painful death at bay takes all of your energy, leaving you without the strength to forge ahead.

Like a good steward, you quickly pop in the tape of your favorite motivational speaker, pull out your favorite prayer vigil, open a journal and start to grapple with these unwelcome visitors. About sixty days later, you realize you do not seem to be winning.

You have followed all of the advice given by ministers and motivators alike. Yes, all seems in vain. Even God seems to be hiding. So you cry out, "Is ANYBODY listening?"

Abruptly my meditation was broken by the sounds of people jet skiing. Instead of being annoyed, I remembered that "everything is temporary" and I was grateful for the blessing of this real moment, no matter how short.

As you are forced to battle and slay the negative forces and circumstances that are occurring in your life, remember this promise- this too shall pass. Just keep on keeping on. This wonderful universe is listening and the mere fact you are alive is a testament to the fact you are winning in spite of how it appears.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie warns of the danger of a single story and it is at times like these that we find ourselves focusing on the 20% of what is wrong in our lives and giving it our attention while ignoring and deflating the 80% of our lives that is working. Life does not give us problems or challenges, it gives us opportunities that are designed to help us to continue to step into our greatness.

When life presents you with a seemingly impossible opportunity make it an adventure - do the following: Look at your life six months from now. What must have happened for you to believe a miracle had occurred? As the answers are revealed to you, it is now time to start your new adventure today.

Live the life you've imagined. Dream Big!

Remember life is too short to drink cheap champagne!

Stephanie, a Success Mindset Mentor & Transformational Specialist, and Pranic Healing Enthusiast, has the uncanny ability to help others transform their emotional and mental obstacles into stepping stones to living their dreams. She has an insatiable appetite for helping others achieve the impossible. She lives her inspiration as the founder of The Champagne Connection, Inc., the author of 3 books and the Host of the television show "A Sip of Inspiration". She is also a regular contributor to The MetaMonthly Magazine, Champagne and Beyond Magazine, and Ezine Articles.

Her super power: Transforming Lives

 By Stephanie Wilson-Coleman

Article Source: Is Anybody Listening? The Universe Is Always Listening
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