How You Can Prevent Negative Thoughts From Assaulting Your Mind And Your Health

There is scientific evidence to prove that the number of information bits that enter into our nervous system is 2 millions per second. These information bits direct our thought process. A major chunk of these information bits can be contributing to our negative attitude because they come from the media that seems to have taken a vow that they will thrive only on negativity. This may be the reason self-improvement experts advise you not to read the newspapers or see the news channels at least during the first few hours of the mornings. Their intention is to help you start your days with a positive mindset.

Of course, despite all the negativity surrounding you, you can be positive and strive to improve yourself. But this is possible only if you change how you think. In fact, if you make purposeful efforts, you can succeed in it. Use these tips to awaken your dormant power.

1. Self-improvement experts classify people into two groups. The first group is called "the-cause people" and the second group is named as "the-effect people." It is because of the former group of people things happen. On the other hand, the second group blames everything and everyone for their failures. For example, if a person in the second group fails in an examination, he or she will say that it is because of bad luck that he or she could not clear the examination. Similarly, those who fail will find out some reason or the other to explain their failure.

If you belong to the second group and if you want to shift to the first group, you must first be ready to take responsibility for whatever happens in your life. Once you change your mindset, you will feel empowered to take the required action that may take you quickly towards your goal. Simply put, if you want to improve yourself, stop blaming others and be ready to take responsibility for all your actions and behaviors and the results thereof.

2. Let us assume that you have picked a book from the library, assuming that it will be interesting. After reading a few pages, you realize that the contents of the book are boring and that they may not do any good to you. What will be your immediate reaction? You will return the book to the library and try to choose a better book. Your thought process should also be the same.

If unwanted thoughts come up in your mind, you should get rid of them immediately. This means you should cultivate the habit of constantly "observing" your mind. In other words, you must purposely pay attention to what you think. So, whenever negative or unwanted thoughts come up in your mind, you should forcibly drive them away by changing your thoughts. You can do this by thinking about some positive or pleasant incident that happened in your life.

Remember that your mind is like a fertile field in which you can grow fruit-bearing trees and flowery plants. But if you allow unwanted weeds to grow in such a 'fertile field,' these weeds can do harm to your crop. Hatred, jealousy, anger, etc. are like unwanted weeds. Replace them with kindness, empathy, sympathy etc. Take people as they are. Everyone has a positive as well as negative qualities. If you look at their positive side, you will not feel hatred towards anyone. This may initially be difficult to adopt but if you practice consistently, you can certainly change the way you look at things and people.

The 1960s saw the discovery of chemicals in the human body that are known as 'neurotransmitters.' These chemicals carry messages all over the body. According to Deepak Chopra, a renowned self-improvement expert, every cell of the human body loves to immerse themselves in these neurotransmitters. This means every cell in your body is aware of what your mind thinks. In other words, unwanted thoughts can negatively impact the health of your body cells and ultimately, your overall health. You may develop what are called 'psycho-somatic illnesses.'

By practicing consistently and training your mind to think only of positive thoughts, you can improve yourself and escape from these illnesses also.

"Do You Want To Become Rich? Try These Steps" is the new blog post I have written. Please visit to read it.

By Raman Kuppuswamy

Article Source: How You Can Prevent Negative Thoughts From Assaulting Your Mind And Your Health

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