How to Think Outside the Box of Your Illness

It can be hard to develop a different mindset when living with a chronic illness. It is easier to simply go through the motions and live half a life. But this is not what living well is all about.

In order to think outside the box of your illness, you have to rethink the negativity of chronic illness and develop a much more positive mindset by focusing on some of the good things in your life, and realizing that pills and medical treatment are not the only things that can take the edge off the pain. There are many other things that you can do.

Here are a few ways to think outside the box of your chronic illness.

• Start expecting good things to happen to you.

• Don't always expect the worst all the time.

• Avoid flare-ups by trying not to overdo it or be overstressed. Of course, stress is a normal part of life. However, we should try not to overstress about things that we cannot control. I know this is easier said than done. But with practise, you too can do this. If you find it hard to do at first, perhaps it is time to take a stress management course. 

• Instead of taking a pain pill or doing the usual for pain, try meditation or biofeedback. All of this can help to ease pain, one small moment at a time.

• Become aware of the pain without judging it to be bad. By becoming aware of the pain, you can look at it objectively. As you focus on your pain, start describing it to yourself. As you do, pretend that you are describing your pain to someone who doesn't know you. Is it stabbing? A dull ache? A burning sensation? A numbness and drilling feeling? Also notice that your pain comes and goes-or at least the intensity of your pain fluctuates. This is important to realize when your mind goes into a negative downward spin and you start to catastrophize.

• Realize that your pain is not there all the time.

• Rate your pain during different times of the day. Zero in on how you are feeling. Breathe!

• Take the time to take at least 5 deep breaths a few times during a day. By doing that, you will be clearing your head and also easing your pain because you will be lessening stress in your joints and muscles as you relax.

By taking these steps, you will be thinking outside of your illness box. It will help you be more positive and you will live better as a result.

Irene S. Roth writes for teens, tweens, and kids about self-empowerment. She is the author of over thirty-five books and over five hundred online articles. She also has four hundred and sixty published book reviews both online and in print. In addition, she has several books published about living well with chronic illness. Please double click on this link to read about one of them:

 By Irene Roth

Article Source: How to Think Outside the Box of Your Illness

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