How To Be A GRAND Leader

What type of leader would you like to be? How, and why, do you believe you can make a necessary, significant difference, for the better? What makes you different, in a positive, meaningful way? Will you commit the time, energy and resources, to become the best you can possibly be? Even if you've answered, absolutely, yes, to every question, you might still not get it done, but only if you have, and you will commit to these words and promises, will you become one of the rare individuals, who becomes a meaningful, effective leader, in today's world, which unfortunately exhibits, a considerable dearth, in true leadership. If you are ready, willing, able and fully committed, let's examine, using the mnemonic approach, how to be, a GRAND leader!

1. Generate goodwill; growth; go for it: We often mention the need for effective leaders to consistently generate goodwill, but what exactly does that mean? One must under - promise, and over - deliver, always keeping promises and commitments! Will you listen effectively, so you clearly understand, the perceptions, needs, concerns and priorities, of those you serve, and always exhibit true and meaningful empathy? These characteristics are mandatory, in order to generate goodwill, because while promises and rhetoric, might attract voters to a candidate/ politician. only effective, well - directed, priorities - based actions, will maintain their attention, and commitment! Organizations must maintain a certain level of growth, over the long - run, in order to remain relevant, and stay sustainable. Every group has some periods of ups and downs, but grand leaders, always are prepared, and foresee potential ramifications! What will be your contingency plans? How fully will you commit, and will you be willing, to go for it, with all your energies?

2. Relevant; reliable; realistic: What will be your process, in order to be certain, you are focusing on relevant issues, rather than sweating the petty stuff? Will you be able to balance being idealistic, with a certain degree of pragmatism, so you are capable of being reliable and realistic?

3 Attitude; aptitude; attention: If one had to pick one characteristic as the most important and/ or essential, it would be proceeding, with a positive, can - do attitude! Grand leaders do all they can, to enhance and improve their skills, abilities and aptitude! It is important to combine a positive attitude, with a quality aptitude, while being focused and paying keen attention, if you want to make a true difference!

4. Needs: Leading is not merely about looking or being busy. It is about understanding, appreciating, and addressing needs, and serving one's constituents, faithfully, and fully!

5. Delve deeply; deliver: Look well below the surface, or what appears obvious, because, often, the challenge, and/ or root - cause of the concern, is deeper! Grand leaders must delve deeply, and deliver, in a meaningful, relevant, significant manner!

Leadership is not for everyone, and being a GRAND leader, requires a combination of commitment, patience, skills, and mindset, which utilizes energies and resources! Why do you want to be a leader?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: How To Be A GRAND Leader
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