How To Avoid Repeating Past Mistakes

Many people believe that we need our military, the police, and prisons 'until humanity will evolve'.

However, how can humanity evolve if we are so cruel and violent?

Does our violent system help us become more sensible and sensitive? Is the world becoming better with time?

No. Everything is becoming worse with time. More incurable diseases and more invincible mental disorders torture our depressed population. Teenagers are committing suicide and harming themselves with sharp objects until they bleed because bleeding makes them feel an absurd pleasure that results from the control of their anti-conscience.

Could you ever imagine that humanity could come to this point?

Our own children are killing themselves because they don't want to live in the horrible world we created and also because they have a terrible anti-conscience that doesn't let them have the behavior of saints and face the adversities of life with courage and determination.

How many people have mental health problems in the world? How many people feel lost in their lives?

The fact that everyone can find God's therapy in their dreams in a natural form, and without depending on anyone else is a big consolation for every person. I already told you my story. I was lucky because God helped me discover Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation when I was pregnant and I always was depressed and angry.

This method works for sure and there are no risks, since it is a natural method that doesn't depend on dangerous chemical substances. This method is based on God's wisdom and not on human suppositions.

In a period of time when humanity is more than lost with all the problems that exist in the horrible world we created in our beautiful but dangerous planet, God found a way to show us that we suffer in life because we are demons.

Thanks to Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation and thanks to my obedience to the guidance I had in my dreams, today we know that we are absurd and evil. We don't have human feelings.

Therefore, we can finally understand why we have to do what God shows us in our dreams and in our religion, and not what we want.

We are too far from sound mental health. We have to be humble.

This is irritating for our ego, but our ego is absurd and evil. Our ego is selfish and has numerous absurd desires.

Our ego is stupid and must be transformed.

We have to obey God's guidance even against our will because we are lazy and irresponsible and God knows that our mental health is in danger. On the other hand, many negative parts of our personality constantly replace our ego.

We forget the traumatic experiences we had in the past when we want to remember only what seemed to be good.

Some people cannot forget their traumatic experiences and this is why they suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, but other people don't remember their past as it really was. They are not afraid of visible dangers like the first dreamer whose dream I analyzed today, or they think that their past was not so bad like the second and the third dreamer. They don't understand that they should be afraid to repeat past mistakes.

Everyone is influenced by their satanic anti-conscience, since it controls the negative parts of our personality.

The truth is more than disappointing for the human race, but this is the truth. So, we have to take it into consideration and recognize that we depend on God's guidance, since we are so far from balance.

We must be grateful because God helped us understand His symbolic language in dreams and now we can have a direct contact with Him through dream messages.

This alternative is a consolation for humanity because it helps every human being evolve.

Thanks to our contact we God, today we know that we have to attain sanctity in order to become mentally healthy human beings. This is how we can evolve without limits.

While we have a satanic primitive conscience interfering in our reasoning system and causing problems in our daily lives, we are absurd and evil in numerous situations, even if we manage to work without problems, we seem to be good, and we seem to be reasonable.

The demon we have inherited in our brain must be eliminated through consciousness. This is a difficult process.

Now that we know how far from sound mental health we really are, we have to humbly obey God's guidance in our dreams in order to eliminate the demon we inherit in our brain without wasting time.

This is how everyone will evolve without limits.

Right now this is not visible because we are in the beginning of a big transformation, but in the future everyone will verify the power of this knowledge.

You have to pay attention to this information today.

You don't know if you will still have the chance to follow an evolutionary process in the future since you don't know for how long you will live, and later you won't be able to prevent all the problems you can prevent today or treat the dangerous mental disorders that already are destroying your conscience.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

 By Christina Sponias

Article Source: How To Avoid Repeating Past Mistakes

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