How Effective Leaders Plan For The FUTURE

If you become a leader, will you be able to resist the urge/ temptation, to fix today's perceived problems, by doing the equivalent, of placing a band - aid, on a hemorrhage, or will you take the longer - view, and consider the bigger - picture, considering obstacles as challenges, rather than a problem, and seek solutions, which will address both the immediate, as well as the long - term needs? Those who proceed in the myopic way, proceed with blinders on, often, seemingly overwhelmed by negatives and any obstacle thrown in their way. On the other hand, a real leader, in order to be meaningful and effective, must constantly consider ramification and impacts, and plan for the FUTURE, in a relevant and sustainable manner!

1. Face facts; fears; feelings; findings: A true leader cannot afford the luxury of burying his head in the sand, or wearing rose - colored glasses! He must be ready, willing and able, to face facts, and seek viable solutions. This often means, one must overcome his fears, and expand his comfort zone. He must proceed with a combination of logic and positive feelings, seeking findings, to assist him in best setting the most viable course, both for the present, as well as the future!

2. Useful: Avoid the tendency to sweat the petty stuff, or to merely attempt to blame others, for everything which might go askew! It is incumbent upon an effective leader, to consistently prioritize the useful, focused, priorities and needs - based approach!

3. Timely; trends; traction: Those who procrastinate, often, do so, out of fear and/ or discomfort! However, leaders must overcome these tendencies, and take well - considered, timely action, because the ramifications of waiting, are often worse than the original obstacle! Those who understand, consider, and see which trends might be useful and apply, are the ones who lead their group, in its quest to gain traction, remain relevant, and sustainable!

4. Usable: The difference between something being useful, as opposed to usable, is whether the idea, and/ or plan, can be readily applied and used! Planning for the future requires one to fully understand, and take advantage of both of these factors!

5. Relevant; reasonable; right: What good is any plan, or course of action, if it is not relevant? True leaders proceed in a reasonable manner, which constituents can grasp, and buy into. When they must decide, the ultimate deciding factor, must be, is considering whether the action, is right!

6. Evolving; empathy; excellence; elicit: The word evolves, and only those organizations that regularly are also evolving, will remain relevant and sustainable! A leader must proceed with empathy, and seek excellence, rather than merely the same - old, same - old, often - mediocre, results, etc Shouldn't a quality leader seek to elicit more involvement, etc, from those he serves?

Organizations whose leadership fails to plan often find themselves struggling to continue to exist! Quality, effective leaders always plan for the FUTURE.

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: How Effective Leaders Plan For The FUTURE

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