How Can Mobile Games Influence One's Life?

Children of now are more exposed to technology than we had been in our childhood. This is because science has made much advancement and it has been successful in reaching out to almost every person. One of the appreciable discoveries of the 20th century is the mobile phones. These have undergone massive changes since its discoveries. Now the mobiles are known as Smartphone. The screens of these phones are bigger. They provide a greater level of entertainment to the one who watches anything or plays games on it. Now in this age of frequent mobile use, one feels paralyzed if he or she is kept away from his or her phone.

You know right from your age to your children's age the video games are all time favorites. But in your age, the video game version was mostly limited to the PCs. The later generation saw the rise of the play stations and X-box. Current your child has a mobile in their hand instead of these things. This is because phones and especially the touch screen phones offer a rich gaming experience like never before.

They are in a great way influencing the lives of the people. Most of the people that play games belong to the 10 to 25 age group. They remain so much engrossed with the games that they get to know little about the world around them. The games have also made them lonely and less interactive. They are more active virtually and less active socially. Most of them have affected their intercommunication abilities.

In spite of the darker sides of the mobile games, there are certain lighter sides also. The games are generally very much informative. Some companies even design games in such a way that the children can learn basic things from them. While playing the games they can be out of their depression. The ones who are shy to talk with others can do so in the virtual world and make many friends. Thus, it is true that the video games are not as helpful as the mobile games. They have a limit and one needs to maintain that in order to play the games. There are a wide variety of games for the mobile phones. So, the Smartphone users download as many games as they like and enjoy them.

Through this article, it is very much evident that the mobile games are very much effective. They influence the users in many ways but providing more advantages than disadvantages.

By Aman Tumukur Khanna

Article Source: How Can Mobile Games Influence One's Life?
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