From Goa to Mumbai, The Holiday Has Just Begun

Mumbai & Goa both the cities are situated by the Western Ghats in India. Goa is commercialized, as it attracts different kinds of travelers. The beauty and culture differs here from rest of India, as its culture is highly influenced by the Portuguese, who dwelled here during the 17th century. Hence, there are many domestic as well as international travelers traveling to Goa every year. Mumbai also witnesses a huge crowd because of the Indian Film industry. This city is never sleeping. It is fast paced and has a charisma, across the globe talented people come to this city with hopes to become a successful star in Bollywood. Here I wish to share you my travel experience from Goa to Mumbai.

It is the New Year time and I cannot think of any other party place than Goa. I had planned quite some time ago for this trip to Goa, as well I wanted to travel to Mumbai from Goa as I had never been to Mumbai before. I was looking out for a good deal as I was searching for comfort and pleasure both at the same time. I went through few online flight and hotel booking sites which helped me get the fair price for my requirement. As I had decided my travel quite some time ago so I had enough time in hand to compare prices. I also got to know about few online features like the price alert feature. I filtered all my requirements and accordingly got the listing. I got the cheapest flight fares from Goa to Mumbai. The season I was traveling had lot of traffic. As the travelers are more attracted to the New Year season. Not just Goa but also Mumbai celebrates the New Year very differently. As most of the places we get to see the Bollywood stars performing live. I am so happy that I actually made it to Goa for this New year. So I am here to share my experience with you which is mostly on how flawlessly I could plan and organize my holiday. This trip has been really special, especially the comfort of my travel and stay, it seems to me the easiest way I can book Hotels and travel to the tourists spots at ease with a lot of time in hand.

My love for travel has increased as in our day to day life we get stuck with many issues to organize, but don't prefer so while on a holiday. I got the best deals on flight fares from Goa to Mumbai. as well ad maximum offers on Hotel booking

About Goa

Goa is located on the Kokoan coast of India. Goa lies in the Maharashtra border to North and by Karnataka to the east and south. The western coast is formed by the Arabian sea.

Goa is rich in it's culture and is the meeting point and connecting the various races, religions, distinctive style of the east and west for over centuries. It's environment in terms of the crowd culure is very different from that of the rest of India.

In India Goa stands out in very aspect, it preserves the Indianism as well as the western traditions. One will only find it here the spirit of celebrating Christmas with the same spirit of Diwali and Indian cuisine spiced up with the Goan sausages. Goa has a consistent climate throughout the year, with a very ignorant fluctuations in the temperature.About Mumbai

Mumbai, the commercial capital of India, was earlier known as Bombay. This city never sleeps as in, this is a very busy city and the roads were never witnessed empty. There are some very interesting things to explore in this millennium city. The most important interest for the tourists are Bungalow's of the cinema stars, those are not to be missed, the name Mumbai was derived from the name of a temple, Mumbai Devi Temple. Mumbai has an amazing business known as the Dabba business, this city is the best suppliers of food. Mumbai makes India Proud as India is world famous for the Longest train route in the world, and the first train was started from Thane to Mumbai during the Britisher rule. Mumbai's Imagica amusement park is very famous in India. As it is very well known the Indian film industry is situated in Mumbai also Mumbai has the most expensive houses of the world. Ganpati Puja of Mumbai is the biggest street festival of India, one should never miss this chance. There are many more interesting facts to keep in your list when you plan to travel to Mumbai. Other than just the Architectural beauty this city has a brave history.

To book your flight tickets at the best price from Goa to Mumbai you can check online flight and hotel booking portals, compare prices, or decide an itinerary and call up any travel company and get the best deals on your holiday package.

 By Isha Chatterjee

Article Source: From Goa to Mumbai, The Holiday Has Just Begun
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