Fear of Death - Strategy for Coping

Many continue to face the fear of death... and we often hear, "I'm dying what do I do."

As we reach our golden years, it's common to start worrying about our mortality, but it doesn't have to be fearful. Many of us begin to think the fear of death and the fact that we may have fewer years ahead of us than behind.

There are many people who are Boomers like me, and when we were first coined BABY BOOMERS we were as young as can be, and "COULD NEVER DIE!"

Of course, there are the all-too-sad more tragic illnesses, like my friend Mark--and his story, where death and dying seem to be heavy on us. This fear of death is due to the mind's separate state, where deterioration of the body begins.

But the body is always either growing or deteriorating. The body will eventually turn to dust, and this fact of "I'm dying what do I do," causes the ego in us great fear.

Why? Because the ego-based thought system will be forever gone, and being afraid is of the ego.

So it is really not you that states, "I'm dying what do I do." It's not "You" who is in fear of death and dying, it is the ego, a thing you made.

Instead, if you can understand and gain a kind of feeling realization, that it is the body that will eventually experience death and dying, branch off and wither away from who you only think you are.

Then you will not fear and worry over "I'm dying what do I do," in the knowing that you will live on where there is no sickness, and never was.

You are not about sickness, but your ego-based thought is.

This is where the fear of death comes from: the guilt you feel for not accepting and realizing who you truly are. The guilt that you have been living with all along is asking to be punished, and its request is granted, as well as the sickness.

But in truth this is not so, because the shadows you feel touching you from your past do not really exist.

We carry guilt from the past with us as if it were our baggage. We think this baggage is who we are. The baggage is the illusion we made and we call it sin, thereby labeling ourselves as sinners.

Think about it. You perceive how you want to see things, making perception a wish fulfilled. You continually change, trying to keep up with the changeless knowledge you desperately search for. But you don't have to make any efforts hunting for it.

It is in you, and always has been and always will be.

It's called unalterable, never-ending truth that has no fear of death and dying. Just simply start seeing truth in everything, and you will have no problem living by it, because it is you. What is there truly to fear in the fact that "I'm dying what do I do," and that your body will one day turn to dust?

What you perceive fearfully can take on many forms, but has no true meaning.

Nonetheless it is a perception, and is a step on the bridge to knowledge. Once you can welcome the bridge from perception over to truth, you will see the senselessness in your fears of death and dying. And even in your golden years, you will not need to state, "I'm dying what do I do."

All journeys start with a single step, and your journey to truth starts with the step of making a perception; whether it is wrong-minded or right-minded, it is a step.

If it is wrong-minded-where you think all that you are is this body, merely by your asking the Holy Spirit will bridge that gap over to fearless whole-mindedness, which is that area of thinking where you know you are more than just a body. This is when miracles, not magic, begin being experienced.

This Truth of Who you are stands as one and cannot intrude on your perceptions, but it can welcome your questions to open arms as He answers.

Perception's laws are opposite to truth, and what is of knowledge can only be what is true.

God does give Answer to the world of sickness and the worries over, "I'm dying what do I do." It is death and dying which applies only to the dream of all forms, not the reality of eternity. God's Answer is there for us, although it works in time where it is needed.

But because it is of God, the laws of time do not affect its workings. His Answer is for us in this world, but only in this world, because in eternity we don't need answers.

It is where all reality must be, in ideas, in miracles, which are of thought and remain in thought.

To the Truth of Who you are

I'm James Nussbaumer and I'd like to introduce myself to you through my thought provoking spiritual and inspirational books, which are reflections of A Course in Miracles. To see more please visit me at: http://jamesnussbaumer.com/

I'm also offering you a subscription to my EVERYDAY MIRACLES newsletter, which includes the first two books of my ever-developing series shipped to you, and my ongoing webinars, videos and so much more helping everyday people live life on their own terms. If you're interested in letting go of the past and attaining Real Abundance, Purpose, and Wealth, visit me here: http://jamesnussbaumer.com/self-help-library/

 By James Nussbaumer

Article Source: Fear of Death - Strategy for Coping

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