Exercising Your Brain Can Stave Off Memory Loss

Exercising your brain is as important as exercising your body for your overall health, and to stave off memory loss and the risks of Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia.

Your memory is dependent on the health of your brain. Staying mentally sharp as you age plays a huge factor in your future mental acuity. It's fairly easy to stay sharp when you're young and studying and/or working. But when you retire and cut down on your activities, it isn't as simple.

No matter how old you are, it is possible to boost your brain power. Your brain can benefit from exercise at any age, just like your body. The proper stimulation will open neural pathways and enhance your memory.

How do you exercise your brain? It can be as simple as studying a language or learning something new. It may take more of an effort than when you were younger, but the results will be well worth it.

Challenge yourself with brain-boosting activities which mandate your attention and time. Get outside of your comfort zone. Engage in an activity that's unfamiliar, one where you will have to develop new skills. And when you've mastered a new skill, don't forget to reward yourself. That communicates to your brain that you're enjoying the benefits of that skill or activity, and that it's enjoyable and very satisfying to you.

Also, try to exercise your body at the same time you're exercising your brain. Physical exercise releases chemicals in the brain which can greatly enhance your brain power and memorization abilities.

Make sure you get plenty of sleep as you age. Sleep is the brain's elixir and it can have a huge effect on your creativity, energy, and focus, and your ability to think critically and perform at your best.

Keeping in touch, and socializing, with friends and family may also serve to stave off memory loss. Humans are a social species and isolation can lead to depression and loneliness that will affect your brain and memory.

Minimize stress in your life. Stress can affect aging in mental and physical ways. Learn some stress-reduction methods you can use on a regular basis, and make plans to get rid of stress factors that could lead to memory and physical problems.

You've likely heard the old adage, "if you don't use it, you lose it." That is especially relevant in regards to exercising your brain. Change your routine, learn something new and challenge your brain if you want to keep memory loss at bay.

Interested in the "10 Steps" you can start taking today to stay healthy, and decrease your risk of stroke and dementia? Visit http://saynotostroke.com/blog and sign up for the newsletter.

 By A B Fraser, MD

Article Source: Exercising Your Brain Can Stave Off Memory Loss
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