To change the trend, read the "Path", understand the concepts; practice little by little. Then, you can achieve amazing success in all your endeavors.
• First, in the list that you need to do is increase your level of confidence. Of course, it is natural that the level of confidence varies from person to person. You can call it an inherent property of the body and mind together that has combined to action. But definitely, you can bring upon change if you want to achieve it. Psychologists are of the view that inaction mainly rises from lower confidence levels. If one has to achieve success then one has to gain confidence through hard work, facing failure and tackling success.
• The next thing that you can give importance to in this respect is to improve your social skills. Researchers of the University of California have found out that a successful businessman gains his so-called position by better social skills and his cognitive ability. They have performed various observations which have led them to this conclusion. Thus, they are of the view that if one is socially adept and smart then he/she can earn more and be much more successful in comparison to others. You can also take to these methods and imbibe them into your nature to witness the success you had been looking for long.
• Another thing that you should be paying attention is to your authenticity. The much-sought-after leadership quality that comes from self-disclosure and self-honesty. This helps a person to make the right decisions that are based on their values. It is true that through sincere devotion, commitment one can achieve better success than through forgery, contrition, and cheating and lack of proper devotion. So, if you are trying to emulate the efforts of a successful leader then it does not mean that you are being fake but it would mean that you are taking a serious effort to make ends be successful.
• On studying several adults and kids it was found out that grit is a significant point of success. Grit gives one the energy and the determination to make ends meet in the way they want. This helps to turn thoughts to reality maybe not in a few moments but definitely in years after working hard. What one should keep in mind is that the hope and positivity that would mark to the right path.
• The next thing will take your heart down because this is something that you will surely love to do. Psychiatrists say that investing in the relationships help in a much better way to deal with success. The key to happiness is love. This love need not be the romantic or fantasized love. It can be for family, for friends, for relatives, for your cute pets and anything and everything that is in your world. Saying that I do not negate out the romance and love that you might have always thought of. Love would definitely impart to the success in your life and make you feel happy for it.
• Stanford psychologists have found out that the way to look at personality affects their capacity for success and happiness. Those people who are having their mindsets fixed believe in intelligence, character, and creativity as unchangeable qualities. Avoiding failure is another quality that proves smartness and skill of a person. Only the people those are having mindsets of growth do recognize failure as a way to success. This can happen through facing challenges, and learning from criticisms. A common saying is that "man's true potential is unknown" and it is quite justified because the outcome would be undoubtedly the success and that would not be far behind.
• The last but not the least the ability to delay the temptation of gratification. There might be several temptations that might come in the way. You would have to refrain yourself from the temptations. Studies have been performed with small kids who were given marshmallows and were promised to be given more if they could move aside the temptation of the first one. The children who were able to stand out in the test were later found to grow up to be better human beings that the others. Their skills were refined and they were intelligent in their ways.
Thus, we believe that by increasing your confidence level, improving your social skills, paying attention to your authenticity, having grit, investing in the relationships, growing mindsets, and delaying gratification one can achieve success. These are in fact the most important and easy ways that can lead one to success. If you can understand the methods and apply them fittingly to your life then you would surely lead by overwhelming success someday in the near future.
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By Veer Singh
Article Source: Everybody Wants to Achieve Success in His/Her Efforts