Drug Treatment in the USA

According to the study report introduced by Columbia University said that more than 40 million US citizens aged between 12 and 50 meet the clinical criteria for drug addiction. A vast majority of them take nicotine, alcohol or other drugs on a regular basis. As estimated by the reputable university (Columbia University), over 80 million people in this country have been using risky substances for a longer period of time. The consumption cost, as calculated, is more than $468 billion per year.

The study report further revealed that over 38,000 people get died in 2010 as the consequence of drug overdoses which is more than the deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents, car accidents, homicides, and suicides. These data are enough to establish an undeniable truth that addiction is one the most neglected diseases in the USA.

However, in order to combat against this burning issue many Government and Non-government organizations, health centers and privately-owned rehabilitation centers have come to the scene. Many alcohol treatment centers, recovery homes, support groups, and drug rehab centers in the US are trying their level best to reduce and subsequently eradicate this complex disease from the country. In order to do so, they have discovered and introduced a wide variety of drug treatment and detoxification methods.

If we hard back to find the factors responsible for developing this disease, we can find the followings:

• Major cities in the USA are interconnected by roads and highways
• The proximity to Canada
• Extensive coastlines to import illicit drugs from the other countries

All these factors have been creating a favorable atmosphere for the drug traffickers. Therefore, along with taking a number of prevention methods, some important acts need to be proclaimed and implemented. Drug traffickers must be chained by some stick laws. Violation of any these laws must be taken in hard hand.

However, some significant changes have come in the last few years. Many important steps and precautions have been taken after 2010 to fight against it. Nowadays, different types of drug treatment methods are applied to the addicted persons, depending on their present states and conditions. These include behavioral therapy, regular medication, counselling, and case management. Moreover, there are some other advanced methods to fight against some specific disorders.

There are a significant number of counsellors, psychiatrists, doctors, physicians, psychologists, social workers, and nurses involved them in offering various drug treatment facilities. The number has reached over 14,500. This is definitely a very good sign for the country. They are fighting relentlessly to alleviate the drug abuse rate.

Daniel Mcbreen is a prolific writer writing long on Drug Treatment in the USA. His soul goal is to create public awareness about the treatment options.

 By Daniel Mcbreen

Article Source: Drug Treatment in the USA

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