Don't Limit Yourself, You Can Go As Far As Your Mind Lets You

There are other wonderful goals to achieve as well. Everyone has gifts - innate talents and abilities. Never allow anybody to tell you what to achieve. However, others are simply selfish, believing that if they themselves couldn't accomplish something, then they must deny those around them from accomplishing it too, for fear of that person will become "better" than them. No matter the intention, both are equally as damaging to our future growth and possibilities.

Understand that no one, not even yourself knows exactly how much you are capable of. Everyday somebody in the world is pushing the limits of human achievement despite what society or others have told them was possible. Many people who are limited in what they believe is possible will say and do things to thwart your own dreams and goals, but that in order to deal with those people, remind yourself that it really is them not believing in themselves projecting on to you.

If you put a limit in anything you do, It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.

When knowledge is limited - it leads to folly... When knowledge exceeds a certain limit, it leads to exploitation. Ideas are any man's greatest asset. In the end, our minds and their ability to create new ideas are the ultimate sources of all human wealth. That's a resource nearly without limit. It is not possible, given any degree of optimism and generosity in regard to people in general, to set a time limit on creative reflection or a limitation on the number of people involved in the creation.

The limit is not as narrow as it might be. You cannot limit yourself to one area of specialized craft. I don't have as tight a time limit anymore but I still write in long marathon sessions and then I won't write for a while, I'm the write-every-day writer. I don't want to limit myself. I want to keep doing all sorts of roles.

Function, form, and organization are all important. Why limit yourself to one discipline or field of study? I'm always trying to push myself to the limit to see what I can do. It's my strong will that I've always had since I was a kid.

I don't want to limit myself as a writer. Tastes change, and I want to keep my eye on the future. A translation needs to read convincingly. There's no limit to what can go into it in terms of background research, feeling, or your own interests in form and history. But what should come out is something that reads as convincing English-language text.

Thus, I try to push a single idea to its absolute limit and make happen.

Never limit yourself by the norm or what I should be doing.The limit of your present understanding is not the limit of your possibilities. However, in terms of money, you cannot go beyond a certain limit in your expenditure if you want to bring back money from your local market

By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales

Article Source: Don't Limit Yourself, You Can Go As Far As Your Mind Lets You

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