Don't Allow Overwhelm To Lead To Inactivity

When making a significant change to your lifestyle such as following the low carb model I personally use and help clients with, it can be a challenge. Or in fact anything that means significant change for you, and those around you.

For some it's a matter of ripping the band-aid off quickly and diving in, this can be a bit tough but the rewards come quickly. New habits are established and the old ways are soon left behind.

Some have to slide into the process over a few weeks. Eat the elephant one step at a time, so to speak. It doesn't matter how you make the change in the long run and it's all about personality.

But for some the scope of the change causes them to feel overwhelmed, and feeling like this tends to lead to inaction.

There are a few things to keep in mind.

You are making these changes to improve your health or to lose weight.

Make a list of all the reasons you need to improve your health and weight.

If you don't change, at best you will be stuck where you are, at worst you will become ill.

You don't have to be perfect and neither does your diet.

Because you don't have to rip the band-aid off you don't need to feel overwhelmed.

So because you don't have to be overwhelmed there is no reason for inactivity.

Knowing yourself is really important. If you have a history of quick adoption of new ideas then all is good, but if you are prone to overwhelm then it's time to stop, and take a step back before you hit the wall and create an anti-overwhelm plan.

Some of the above 6 points will be helpful but here are some more thoughts.

Plan to transition fully to low carb in 30 days.

Work out what you will be eating in 2 weeks

Decide what you will start with today.

Do a survey of your pantry and separate the things that you won't replace when they are empty.

Create an, if, then what then plan. E.g. if I am going out to dinner, then what will I do. Being prepared for the food situations which occur in life will make it easy.

If you are in a state of total overwhelm then maybe the first thing will be to drink more water, then start moving more as you slowly reduce the carb servings on your plate. Don't forget that most people underestimate what they can achieve in a longer time.

and for your free programme to reduce pain, burn fat and boost your energy go to

 By Ian Newton

Article Source: Don't Allow Overwhelm To Lead To Inactivity
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