Do Whatever Works to Alleviate Pain in Chronic Illness

When we go to a medical doctor, we expect him to know everything. But this is not the case.

Add to this the fact that chronic-illness has to be treated very different from an acute illness, and there are a lot of questions that medical professionals may have in order to make a proper treatment plan for a patient.

Therefore, the treatment plans for chronically-ill patients are very different from a patient who comes to the doctor with an acute condition. Most doctors have a hard time to determine what they can do when a patient is having symptoms that are chronic and that keep recurring.

One of the chief complaints for chronically-ill patients is that they are in prolonged pain and discomfort. Some don't sleep well and they feel very tired and cannot carry on doing what they used to even a year or so ago.

But there are also other nuances of discomfort for each chronically-ill patient. It really doesn't matter what the discomfort is, it seems that physicians can only prescribe medications that they believe will help. However, there are times when the medication doesn't do much for the patient. It is at these times that we have to resist blaming our physician for not being on top of all the treatment options that are available.

Given the ubiquity of chronic illness, and our aging population, more and more physicians are looking to nonmedical ways of helping the patient cope with pain and discomfort such as physiotherapy, massage therapy, naturopathic medicine, and other herbal ways of dealing with the pain and discomfort.
And patients usually have positive outcomes with these nonmedical treatment options. They find ways of self-managing their pain and discomfort as well as fatigue in ways that a pill cannot provide.

But what is more, the patient will be discovering new ways to self-manage their illness. And the more chronically-ill individuals learn to search for new ways of thinking about their illness the more hope here will be that something will at least take the edge of the pain and fatigue for a while. Further, chronically-ill individuals will be less likely to visit their general practitioners to complain about pain and discomfort all the time as well.

In addition, if a patient keeps searching for new ways to deal with their pain and discomfort, they will ultimately improve their lives. So, they are less likely to feel more hopeful and out of control. And that is a win-win for everyone.

Irene S. Roth writes for teens, tweens, and kids about self-empowerment. She is the author of over thirty-five books and over five hundred online articles. She also has four hundred and sixty published book reviews both online and in print. In addition, she has several books published about living well with chronic illness. Please double click on this link to read about one of them:

By Irene Roth

Article Source:  Do Whatever Works to Alleviate Pain in Chronic Illness

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