Do Not Dwell On The Past, Concentrate On The Present

What is past is left behind. The future is still not reached. Whatever quality is present you clearly see right there, right there. To successfully start over, we have to let go of the past and focus of the here and now.

When we expend the bulk of our time and energy recalling better and happier times (even if those times are rosier only in our memory), we generate feelings of unhappiness, regret and anger. And what is the point of doing that? We can't go back. There isn't a "back" to go back to.

The past is something that was part of yesterday but is no longer part of today. Learn from the past and then let it go. Keep your energy and attention on today. Do not trouble about the future. It is now that matters. Make your present worth remembering. Banish the future. Live only for the hour and its allotted work. Always focus on the quality and quantity of things that be accomplished today.

God exists in eternity. The only point where eternity meets time is in the present. The present is the only time there is. Don't miss it. Light tomorrow with how you live today. Be thankful for each waking moment you have. Consider it a gift from God. You cannot let the past come again.

I am convinced of the importance of living in the present. Whether we like it or not, we cannot escape the present because the only reality is now. No need to wait for tomorrow what needs to be done today. Tomorrow is another day. We have to live a day at a time by making our present productive.

However, there is one essential flaw in this perspective because we are not assured with a future. All we have is now. Nothing is worth more than this day. Now is the only time for us to realize our positive self-concept and self-worth. How we relate to it creates the future.

Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are either closing or opening the doors to possibilities. We do not have to wait for something to happen like more money, security, and affection. We have to live the entire moment, and give what we most deeply desire to give, without waiting.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. So, let us begin NOW.

We have to leave our past behind and live life to the fullest today. Our future is yet to come. The only reality is now.

 By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales

Article Source: Do Not Dwell On The Past, Concentrate On The Present
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