Defeat Your Fears, Not Your Enemies

Miracles happen when a person conquers his dread. It is the time when he finally surrenders to his worst nightmares, gives them a thumbs-down, and starts a new beginning. It usually happens with a sportsperson. For them, resolution, fervour, and allegiance are necessary in life. Without these capabilities, it is almost impossible for them to conquer the world. A sportsman has to fight his weakest points and his real battle starts with his self. When he defends his own power, he becomes the real super-hero.

A man poses several threats from inside and out. The world will pressurize and challenge his power and make him feel worthless. There are people who will get jealous even if a person performs a bit better than they do. They just cannot accept their defeat or their under-performance and will try hard to bring their opponent down. We are not talking about a healthy competition but a bitter rivalry that can cost lives. It does happen in sports and in the field of academics. People cannot tolerate their competitor�s success and will challenge them in all ways. This is a harsh fact and we all are aware of it. We humans are made with flaws but it is our responsibility that we curb down the negative and empower a positive attitude. Some do that and they succeed, while some live their lives destroying others.

Fighting our fears and fighting other�s threats is a part of life and we must accept that. There would be times where we would just sit down and give up. Not being able to face the world, we just think that it is time to give up on our dreams. Those are the times when we need to stand up take a deep breath inhaling courage. That is the time when we need to close our eyes and think of all the beautiful things that made us reach to this point Even an animal living in a wasteland or a dense forest falls and breaks his leg. However, it does not stop him to catch his prey and by sheer strength, he runs again and jots down on his feast. If he can do it then why can�t we?

We are human beings and we have to live our life accepting and winning challenges. Nothing is handed on a plate even if we are born with a silver spoon. We have to struggle on every phase and that is why God has given us the power of prayer and faith. Whenever we feel down or disappointed we take refuge in god�s abode. He shows us the way and tells us to move ahead with a fearless mind. It may take some time but we get over it and start our fights again. From the moment we are born until we reach our graves, we have to fight. There are no second thoughts on it and we cannot escape.

Enthusiasm comes from words, from a strong pat on the back or from someone�s life. It comes from the strangest things and we have to find and imbibe it in us. This world needs courageous hearts and it cannot accept destruction. So take an oath to make yourself better, stronger, and smarter in your next move. Learn to defeat your own self instead of your enemies.

it's just the matter of time and you will get back on track. Always remember your fear is an elf and you are the giant!!

 By Janaki Mehta

Article Source: Defeat Your Fears, Not Your Enemies
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