Dealing With Social Anxiety in a Loved One

A social anxiety disorder entails living with excessive or unreasonable fear of social situations. People with this disorder are usually afraid that they will make a mistake or appear ridiculous in front of others, get embarrassed or humiliated. Such people live under the constant fear of being judged or scrutinized by others, especially in certain social situations. This further aggravates due to lack of social skills or experience in such circumstances. People with social phobia usually have an inaccurate assessment of situations or the opinions of others.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), social anxiety, which affects nearly 15 million American adults, can strike children as young as 13 years. With a large number of children feeling painfully shy, for the fear of being watched or evaluated, it is imperative for the parents to help such children control their beliefs and thoughts that contribute to their anxiety.

It can be emotionally taxing for people to see their loved ones struggling with devastating symptoms of social anxiety. However, with a little support and love, they can help them to recover faster from their illness and lead a normal life.

Here are a few tips to help a loved one deal with social anxiety:

Helping them recognize their positive traits: An individual with social anxiety always feels an urge to be recognized for his or her positive traits. One should understand that anxiety is something that can affect anyone and that a mental health issue does not define a person's overall attributes. Therefore, it is important to highlight and praise the positive traits of a person fighting social anxiety to make them feel better.

Overcoming constant tiredness and fatigue: People with this affliction constantly feel low on confidence and worry about the occurrence of unpleasant situations, which could lead to incessant tiredness and lack of sleep. Therefore, instead of criticizing them for their constant lethargy, one should encourage them to take rest several times during the day.

Complimenting regularly to curb self-consciousness: Anyone can have the occasional bad hair day or may not be looking great on a certain day. However, a person with social anxiety is extra cautious and careful about how he or she looks. Therefore, as a loving partner, one should make sure that he or she regularly compliments the person with social anxiety, which can greatly help in building their confidence.

Avoiding stressful situations: A new job, a different location or a new experience can excite many but not an individual with social anxiety. In reality, they can feel threatened by such a big change. Therefore, the best way is to help them plan for a change in advance to avoid any stressful situation.

Gaining trust of anxious partner: A person dealing with social anxiety is well aware that his or her anxiety is irrational. Thus, instead of making the person feel low about the condition, it is better to use calming words that can help the anxious person trust his or her partner. This will go a long way in curbing insecurity.

Seeking professional help

Anxiety can manifest in various forms such as generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Being aware of the symptoms and warning signs and recognizing them can help bring the situation under control. It is important to find the right cure at the right time.

If you know someone who is dealing with anxiety, get in touch with the Anxiety Treatment Centers of California to know about various anxiety treatment centers. Call us at our 24/7 helpline number 855-972-9459, and our representatives will assist you with the requisite details about the best anxiety clinics in United States.

 By Barbara Odozi

Article Source: Dealing With Social Anxiety in a Loved One
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