Constant Arguing in a Relationship? Let's Resolve Conflict

When there is constant arguing in a relationship and disagreements happen between individuals and even nations, there is a change in purpose the Holy Spirit is bringing to the relationship, due to a certain cause.

That's all it is; and this brings on new effects that will be seen.

They can be looked at now by your true essence or true colors, or you can decide to wait till they unfold and see them in time and with fear.

Likewise, you can hope and pray that one day the hungry of the world will be fed, or you can help move along the acceptance movement, now.

Or you can fret over constant arguing in a relationship, or things like waiting till your neighbor pays you back, or you can be content with your act of giving, regardless of reciprocation.

These are the effects that came out of a cause that are available here and now, not someday.

We've been raised to believe that everything that comes from God brings good. This is so. But often, doesn't it seem to not be so?

Isn't good in the form of disaster now difficult to see? For example, when Mother Nature takes a wrecking ball to her realm in the form of a level-eight earthquake in a populated area? Or the pain of a seven-year-old child whose parents were suddenly killed? Where is the good in all of this?

Why should we try to see the good in evil's form? Or, how will good ever come from the constant arguing in a relationship? Its cause is apparent-so why are we not seeing its good effects? Why in the future?

We are taught to be content with "reasoning" to ourselves that we don't understand it now, but will someday. Then, we are told, the meaning will be clear.

This is not reason; this is unjust, and clearly hints at punishment until the time of liberation is at hand.

But given a change of purpose for the good, there is no reason to see an interval of space or time when disaster strikes, to be seen as "good" someday.

When we see things in the form of pain, this becomes a sacrifice of "now," which could not be a cost the Holy Spirit would take. He gives without cost at all.

Then why is there constant arguing in a relationship? As well, what is a disaster all about? Why is there tragedy?

I have encountered great difficulty feeling this kind of question, which led me to much spiritual pondering. I went through lengthy times wondering, but never doubting my own faith. That, for me, is too deeply rooted.

Miracles shifting forward in me merely gave these deep roots of mine freedom. I opened myself to the freedom to feel good about "my way" or "my faith."

However, I wondered why I couldn't complete the connection through my own rational thinking. Why couldn't I reason my way all the way through and figure this out?

That's when I realized my real error with my own problems when there was constant arguing in a relationship, and what has always been my big hang-up: my pride in the idea that I could accomplish anything on my own if I set my mind to it.

I could not imagine there could be something I could not figure out. Then one day the answer hit me like a lightning bolt in the heart.

Could this be it, could this be what Cause and Effect really is about?

After all, I'm certainly feeling an effect!

Then I stumbled into some writings by an old time centuries ago French philosopher, arguing that God has given us just enough light so that we can understand, and just enough darkness or obscurity to deny the truth, if we wish.

That was it!

Of course, God cannot reveal Himself or His reason for Cause, in a rational or irrefutable manner. He would be violating the most fundamental universal law there is.

Remember, we are that universal law that is the Idea of God, and He has given us just enough light to see by, but not enough to eliminate the need to see with eyes of faith.

The ego--that doubting and fearful aspect in us, tells us that we should be "God fearing", and in our own understanding of the way the world will turn out to be "one day."

But really, when reciprocation is finally received, it's not in the future or in future happiness. No, it is being received now. Here and now!

So let's not be content with future happiness; rather, let us always be living in the here and now. This is where the effects for spiritual freedom truly are.

Spiritual freedom or Heaven has no meaning in the future, and there are no rewards. Why else was the symbolic "Tree of Knowledge" forbidden? This answer is simple, in that there is no future to have knowledge about. That was the lesson. The future is illusion!

If you are always a prisoner of the future, where then is your freedom? It is always at some future event, just as the promise of salvation. Why should we wait until our body dies to have eternal freedom?

Delay is senseless, and so is the reasoning that would tell us that present cause must reveal its effects.

Therefore, let's not look to time when constant arguing in a relationship is going on, but rather the tiny space between you and me, so that we might be delivered from it.

But don't let it be disguised as time, because this deliverance can only happen here, and now.

To living in the here and now

Hello Friend,

I'm James Nussbaumer and I'd like to introduce myself to you through my thought provoking spiritual and inspirational books, which are reflections of A Course in Miracles. To see more please visit me at:

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 By James Nussbaumer

Article Source: Constant Arguing in a Relationship? Let's Resolve Conflict

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